allocate(v): to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute. Synonyms: assign, allot, distribute. Ex: The man was able to allocate his money to a foreign bank before the government found it. p
ardent(adj): very enthusiastic, impassioned. Synonyms: intense,fervent,avid. Antonyms: indifferent, stolid, phlegmatic, apathetic. Ex: After winning the Super Bowl, the Patriots were ardent and cheered as a team.
brash(adj): prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent. Synonyms: rash, impetuous, brazen. Antonyms: prudent, wary, circumspect. Ex: His brash work ethic led to him getting fired many times.
capricious(adj): subject to whims or passing fancies. Synonyms: impulsive, fickle, unpredictable, mercurial. Antonyms: constant, steady, unwavering. Ex: The capricious manner of the officials led him to being corrupt.
chastise(v): to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely. Synonyms: discipline, censure. Antonyms: commend, reward. Ex: He was chastised for scoring a failing grade on his test.
deviate(adj,n,v,): (v)to turn aside; to stray from a norm; (n)one who departs from a norm; (adj)differing from a norm, heterodox, unconventional. Synonyms: diverge, veer, swerve. Antonyms: conform to, abide by, orthodox. Ex: The man deviated from the path and it led him to trouble.
emaciated(adj, part): unnaturally thin. Synonyms: withered, shriveled. Antonyms: plump, fat, obese, corpulent. Ex: After rescuing many Jews from concentration camps, the soldiers noticed they were emaciated from the lack of food.
exult (v): to rejoice greatly. Synonyms: revel, glory. Antonyms: mope, sulk, regret, rue, lament. Ex: The players exulted the captain for scoring the game winning goal.
gnarled(adj): knotted, twisted, lumpy. Synonyms: knotty, misshapen, contorted. Antonyms: smooth, unblemished, straight. Ex: The gnarled bush prevented the man from getting through.
limpid(adj): clear, transparent; readily understood. Synonyms: lucid, intelligible, Antonyms: murky, opaque. Ex: John gave a limpid description of the killer, allowing the police to easily arrest him.
omnipotent(adj): almighty, having unlimited power of authority. Synonyms: all powerful Antonyms: powerless, impotent, weak. Ex: God is described as omnipotent because of his many powerful abilities.
palatable(adj): agreeable to the taste of one's sensibilities; suitable for consumption. Synonyms: edible, appetizing, attractive. Antonyms: inedible, distasteful, disagreeable. Ex: The chef served a palatable meal to the critic to get a good review.
poignant(adj): deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell. Synonyms: heartrending, melancholy. Antonyms: unaffecting, bland, vapid, insipid, funny. Ex: He creating a soup with a poignant smell that filled the room and made him cringe. j
rancor(n): bitter resentment or I'll will. Synonyms: animosity, enmity, bitterness. Antonyms: goodwill, harmony, rapport, amity. Ex: The rancor of the argument started to alarm its listeners.
sophomoric(adj): immature and overconfident; conceited. Synonyms: pretentious, superficial, fatuous. Antonyms: mature, judicious, knowledgable. Ex: The sophomoric personality of the man started to make people dislike him.
spontaneous(adj): arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance. Synonyms: unpremeditated, unplanned, impromptu. Antonyms: premeditated, planned, contrived. Ex: Scientists once believe in spontaneous combustion, but they now know it is not possible.