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Shield volcano

Shield volcanos are formed by hot spots usualy under oceanic plates (Hawaii) but sometimes under continental plates (Yellowstone)

Photo by filippo_jean

Shield volcanos are longer in their length than their height. This formation happens because as the volcano erupts softly the lava (slowly)flows and cools solidifying in a large area around the surounding area.

Photo by filippo_jean

Fun fact
Shield volcanos are named such after the long and wide shape of a warrior's shield. In addition Shield volcanos do not have much power in their eruptions

Photo by filippo_jean

Cinder cone volcanos are formed pyroclasticly and I think are formed through hot spots

Photo by LassenNPS

Unlike shield volcanos cinder cone volcanos are capable of producing much more violent eruptions one of such volcanos is known as paricutin

Photo by LassenNPS

Fun fact
Some cinder cone volcanos are very short lived like paricutin which lasted less than 20 years.

One example of a composite or stratovolcano is Mt.St.Helns a mountainous volcanic beauty that tops of with a point

Photo by thor_mark 

Fun fact
Stratovolcanos are what you generally think when you hear volcano and are known for their enormous eruptions

Photo by thor_mark 

Stratovolcanos are formed due to subduction zones and lava forms layers ontop of layers of stone

Photo by thor_mark 