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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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by: Sahra lambert 
Photo by VinothChandar

What is Volleyball?

  • two teams
  • objecct is to keep ball in motion
  • side to side over high net
  • strike it with hands
  • before it touches the ground 
Photo by cmaccubbin

The Beginning

  • William G. Morgan 
  • wanted a indoor sport 
  • for older men 
  • who didn't want to run up & down a court 

History of volleyball

  • Was inspired by badminton in 1895
  • Rules were standardized in 1897
  • in 1964 volleyball became an Olympic sport
  • The first 2-man beach game was played in 1930
  • 1st  special designed ball was created in 1900.

Interesting Facts

  • most players jump is 300 times a match 
  • longest recorded games was 75 hours & 30 mins
  • It is the 2nd most popular sport world-wide 
  • There is a setters, hitters, &  defense players
Photo by cmaccubbin


  • has 6 players on the court
  • no player may hit the ball twice 
  • there are 3 sets 
  • 1st team to win 2 sets win the match 
  • in eahc set the 1st team to 25pts win

Newer Versions

  • Beach volleyball-
  • Played in sand 
  • Wally-ball- 
  • Can play a ball off the wall 
Photo by fossilmike


  • Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com. Web. 15 Jan. 2015.
  • Add anHickok, Ralph. The Encyclopedia of North American Sports History. New York: Facts on File, 1992. Print.
Photo by johanSisno