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Published on Nov 15, 2019

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I used to think that volunteering my time was pointless, it wouldn't make a difference in the world because I am just one small person.
I was proven wrong when I began volunteering over 20 hours a week to my church.
This is my journey of turning volunteering into something fun rather something we dread.

I began volunteering by simply serving 2 Sunday's a month in the tech area at my church. This took me a couple of months to get into after I started attending my new church. It was easy, all I has to do was press some buttons and only give a few hours a week and it was a great start for the long road a head

Then after a few months of only
serving a couple times a month
I decided I wanted to do more.
I began serving in tech every Sunday, working with the program Propresenter, almost like PowerPoint.

This was perfect for me at the time because I was helping out my church but I didn't have a ton of responsibilities.

When I started serving I avoided working in kids areas and helping out with our youth group on Wednesday nights. After four months of serving in tech, I decided to take that next step and volunteer in the kids programs because no one wanted to help in those areas so I knew that would benefit the church.

After I became for involved with the church and began serving all of the time, I got invited to help with this big conference we were hosting. I was beyond excited for this, I was going to make a difference is so many
peoples lives. I got to help set it all up, which included organizing, cleaning, grabbing food, setting everything
up, which these are all things I enjoy doing. This was a great experience and I got to learn a bunch of leadership skills, along with learning new things about myself as well.

This event was a big moment for myself, and I enjoyed every second of it. We had a week long program for middle school and high school kids, we had games and food, the whole thing. I got to be a leader at this event, and even planned a majority of it.

After many months of serving and volunteering hundreds of hours I decided to apply for an unpaid internship at my church. This included most of the responsibilities I already had, such as serving on Sunday's but now I got to help make decisions and learn how to become a better leader especially within my church. I enjoy being in charge of volunteers while volunteering myself because now I can get people to see how amazing it is to volunteer.

My internship grew into even more responsibilities and helping out within my church. I began taking over our Midland Campus, which is one out of the three campuses the church has. I became a coordinator, which means I'm there to train, delegate tasks, set up, tear down, and make sure everything runs smoothly. This was a great experience since I am going into management and this is pretty close.

Now after my internship ends, I will continue my volunteer work at the church. I will become a part time volunteer employee, I will become the director of the Midland campus.
So now anything with Midland
will go through me, I will be
in charge of everything
which will help take
some stress off of
other people and I
will get some
more skills from
doing this.

I highly recommend giving up some of your time to helps others, volunteer at the place you practice religion, help your community, or those less fortunate. These activities I have done for my church have been amazing, the best experience of my life so far.


Check out this video to see what volunteering can do for you!

Also check out Life Church Michigan's YouTube videos to learn a lot about what I experienced!
