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Vygotsky & Piaget

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Vygotsky & Piaget

Megan Ford

- 4 Stages of Development

The Stages
1. Sensorimotor
2. Preperational
3. Concrete Operational
4. Formal Operational

Piaget also believed that...
- Nature overruled nurture
-Cognitive development ends
-Learning cannot progress until a stage is completed
-Development precedes learning
-Assimilation and accommodation were necessary to cognitive development

- Growth through Interaction

Emphasis on social development, through interaction with the environment and others.

Vygotsky also believed that...
-Learning occurs before development
-Nurture overrules nature
-Children self-regulate through private speech
-the Zone of Proximal Development determines what a child can do, what they can do with help, and what they can't do
-Cognitive development never ends
-Children learn by scaffolding
-There were no stages of development
Photo by wazari


Vygotsky and Piaget both believed that...
-Children were active learners.
-There was an order to development
-Cooperative learning was important; children needed outside assistance to develop, sometimes in the form of cognitive crises
-Environment played a part in development


-Theories limited to Western culture
-Underestimates the ability of some children

-May not be relevant to all cultures, as once assumed. (i.e. the scaffolding method)
-Did not detail cognitive processes involved
-Made up of generalized ideas; incomplete
Photo by Squiggle


-Use the reciprocal teaching method. Students and teachers collaborate and explore texts by summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting.
-Scaffold! Build onto the knowledge students already have.

-Use different techniques for students in different stages of development. Use manipulatives for concrete thinkers and challenge abstract thinkers with critical thinking questions.