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Wacom: make ideas into great stories

Published on Apr 29, 2016

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Wacom: make ideas into great stories

Penny Arcade

Questionable Content

The Oatmeal

A story for Wacom:
How Dynamo made Wacom #1 by Christmas

This is clearly an awful title for a story - we can come up with better.

Chapters in this story

  • Enquiry (data/insights)
  • Finding our way (strategy/platform)
  • Adventure 1: how it played out on X
  • Adventure 2: how it played out on Y
  • Adventure 3: how it played out on Z
  • Budget: how we paid for the adventure
This is clearly an awful title for a story - we can come up with better.


questions, questions, questions

What are Wacom's threats?

  • CONSUMER Mass market need to try before they're convinced, and other brands (like Moleskine) is nicking the emotional ground
  • CREATIVE Pressure from Apple Mass market thinking it's 'not for them'

What are Wacom's opportunities?

  • CONSUMER It's the way the world is going - once you give it a go, you're convinced. Pen has emotional resonance - part of your thinking process. Wacom has the brand heritage
  • CREATIVE: Credibility - it's currently the most credible choice for a pro
  • People that love them already are good ambassadors - they talk, they share (COMMUNITY)
  • Everyone loves what the products create
  • And we're ALL content creators now
Every great concept started with a scribble on a pad


And so INSPIRATION and COMPELLING. When I see what's achievable, I wish I could be part of it....

We're all content creators now
Snapchat is now getting 10bn video views a day, with a third of users creating with the 'story' feature.

Who loves Wacom?

  • What do we know about them?
  • What drives them?
  • What do they create?
  • What would make them love Wacom more? (and buy more)
  • Check out their social channels/community
  • Check out audiences stated in the brief

Who else SHOULD love Wacom?

  • Zero-sum game
  • Can we nick sales from someone/somewhere else?
  • Where are the people on a slightly lower 'rung' that could be inspired to push up? (be more aspirational)
  • Check out audiences stated in the brief
  • What other communities could we win over? (see online/social chat)

So what's the problem?

What's stopping Wacom being #1? And how can PR/SoMe help?
So what's currently stopping Wacom being #1?
Need a problem that PR can solve

People don't care about hardware. Only what's produced by it. (not 'state of the ART', 'START of the art')

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