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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Warsaw bounderies


  • On October 12, 1940 the Germans formed a decreed that establishment a ghetto in Warsaw.
  • The decree required all Jewish residents of Warsaw to move into the ghetto
  • German authorities sealed off the rest of the city in November 1940


  • The ghetto was enclosed by a wall that was over 10 feet high
  • At the top was barbed wire
  • Heavily guarded to prevent movement between the ghetto and the rest of Warsaw


  • Established in Poland capital on October
  • Residents lived in an area of 1.3 square miles, with an average of 7 people to a single room.
  • Over 400,00 Jewish citizens lived here
  • Warsaw was the second largest city in the world at that time
  • Jews made up 30% of the population


  • Food rationed to the ghetto by the German civilian authorities were not enough for people to live on
  • In 1941 the average Jew in the ghetto only ate on 1,125 calories a day.
  • Between 1940 and mid-1942 83,000 Jews died of starvation and disease.


  • From July 22 to September 12, 1942 mass deportations from the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center took place
  • During this period, the Germans deported about 265,000 Jews from Warsaw to Treblinka
  • Approximately 35,000 Jews were murdered inside the ghetto during the operation.


  • In January 1943 police units returned to Warsaw,
  • Their goal was to deport 70,000-80,000 Jews in the ghetto to forced-labor camps in Lublin District
  • Many of the Jews believed that the police would deport them to the Treblinka killing center
  • Many Jews resisted deportation, some of them using small arms smuggled into the ghetto.
  • On April 19 1943 the police force came back to seize the rest of the Jews


  • The Jews organized resistance in the first days of the inflicting casualties on the well-armed and equipped police units.
  • the Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa; AK), a non-Communist underground resistance army helped with the resistant
  • The police deported approximately 42,000 Warsaw ghetto survivors captured during the uprising
  • At least 7,000 Jews died fighting in the ghetto, while the police sent another 7,000 to the Treblinka killing center.
  • From 400,00 to 11,500 Jews survived the ghetto, the resistances and the deportation


  • After the end of the revolt and German troops went in they found surprises
  • Their were dead bodies every where
  • Many historians believed that the Jewish people would rather die than go through pain
  • And also suffering

EYE WITNESS: Aliza Mendel

  • 14 years old during the end of the uprising
  • “They told me I was too young to fight,”
  • You have to leave and tell the world how we died fighting the Nazis. That is your job now.’”


The wall


The building. Today


First genocide of the 20th century, 1.5 million death


  • Ottoman Turkey denied killing the Armenians, saying it is not a Criminal offense
  • The court upholder 47 European nations conventions of Human rights.
  • Turkey accepts that many Armenians died in partisan fighting between beginning in 1915
  • Died that 1.5 million of them died
  • Sorry,these dead babies don't matter as much as invisible Jew ashes cause they weren't chosen by god to rule the earth


  • Started April 24 1915-1916 5,500 Armenian died on the first day
  • Master minded by the young Turks
  • They were a racist group whose ideas came from Zia Gökalp
  • butcher battalions," made up of violent criminals released from prison.
  • Armenians in the army were disarmed placed into labor battalions and then killed.

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  • 500 Armenian leaders were rounded up on April 24, 1915, and then killed.
  • 5,000 Armenian families called out their homes and made them walk hundreds of miles to concentration camps
  • They were denied food and water heated and also killed by the solders and raiders
  • They were mostly starved and thirsted to death in the burning
  • drowned people in rivers, threw off cliffs, crucified them and also burned them alive.

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  • The turkey country sided was littered with Armenian bones
  • Kidnapped kids ,converted them to Islam , gave to Turkish families
  • Rapped Armenian women ,converted them to Islam,forced to live as Turkish house servant
  • Muslims moved into Armenian houses and kept their property

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