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Throughout the 8 weeks, you will have complete support and guidance from myself and the group!
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Water and fluid Balance

Published on Oct 26, 2018

Water, or H2O, is essential to life. Indeed, a few days without it, and death comes quickly due to dehydration. This is because we lose water through respiration, sweating, urinary output, and fecal output. Of course, exercise speeds up the rate of water loss. As a result, intense exercise, especially in the heat, can lead to cramping, dizziness, and even death if fluid intake isn’t sufficient. This makes fluid intake an important priority for both exercisers and non-exercises alike. In this presentation, you’ll learn all about hydration, water distribution in the body, fluid balance, and fluid regulation.



Throughout the 8 weeks, you will have complete support and guidance from myself and the group!
Photo by Julian Evil

Let’s put things as simply as possible—all of our cells soak in water. Indeed, water makes up nearly 60% of total body weight.

  • Let’s put things as simply as possible—all of our cells soak in water. Indeed, water makes up nearly 60% of total body weight.
Photo by Julian Evil

Let’s put things as simply as possible—all of our cells soak in water. Indeed, water makes up nearly 60% of total body weight.

  • Let’s put things as simply as possible—all of our cells soak in water. Indeed, water makes up nearly 60% of total body weight.
Photo by Julian Evil


  • Water makes up nearly 60% of total body weight.
  • Our water content is dependent on body composition because different cells contain different amounts of water. Bone contains 22% water, adipose tissues contain about 25% water, muscle cells contain 75% water, and blood contains nearly 83% water
Photo by Julian Evil

Untitled Slide

Photo by Julian Evil

Untitled Slide