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Water Cycle/ 3 stages of water

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  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas
Photo by darijus

Solid water comes in the form of ice and snow. Frozen water takes up more space than water in the liquid form.

Photo by Squirmelia

Liquid water flows freely. It is clear, does not have a smell, and can be used for many things.

Photo by Ian Sane

Gas is made when water is heated up and tiny water droplets float up into the air. You can see this when water is heated up on the stove and the steam rises from the hot water.

Photo by jenny downing

Evaporation occurs when water heats up and becomes a gas. The water particles float up into the air.

Condensation occurs as the water particles collect in the air. The result is the creation of clouds that are heavy with water.

Precipitation occurs when rain or snow falls from the clouds.

Collection occurs when rain or snow comes down. The water soaks into the ground and the runoff is collected in rivers, streams, lakes, and the ocean. After the water returns to these sources, the process of evaporation begins once again!

Photo by WilliamMarlow