Most fresh water on this planet comes from ground water.
Most water on Eatrh is from the ocean. Another name for this is surface water. Also most water on this planet is salt water not fresh water.
Most of this planet is covered by cloud which is called condensation. A few other forms of condensation are fog and dew.
Animals are part of the water system because every time they exhale they breath out water vapor. This is called respiration.
Because this planet is not flat there must be a lot of run off water. That is where water from rain or other forms of precipitation runs on land down to another bigger source of water.
There is a lot of precipitation because there is a lot of evaporation. There are many forms of precipitation, the most common form is rain but there is also hail, snow and sleet.
There is a lot of evaporation because the water can heat up fast thanks to the sun. The sun is a heat source and you need a heat source for evaporation to happen.
There is a lot of precipitation on this planet so there is a lot of infiltration. That is when water soaks through the ground and as water does that the soil and rock layers take away some of the impurities making ground water fresher.
There is a lot of transpiration on Eath. Transpiration is when water moves from the roots of a plant to the stem or leaves. Then some of the water gets evaporated.
Infiltration causes absorption on Earth. Absorption is when water soaks into the ground providing water, and nutrients to plant roots.