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Water pollution

Published on May 12, 2017

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Water pollution

Who, what, where, when, why, how, possible soulutions, and effects1
Photo by Vineus

People, wastewater, and sewage.

  • People play a major role in water pollution by littering
  • waste water comes from humans littering
  • Sewage can contaminate nearby streams and ponds that run into the ocean
Photo by assortedstuff

From the King river in Australia over 1 million seabirds,100,000 marine mammals, and other creatures have died from toxins and acidity in the water.


  • In until1995
  • Right now everywhere in the world every 20 seconds a child dies from a water-borne illness.
Photo by flod

Why is water pollution so high in Australia

  • Littering- When people dump trash and other items like plastic and garbage into the ponds and rivers it flows into the ocean causing marine life to get sick
  • Ballast water dumping- This is when ships dump out the water from the ballast tank located at the bottom of the ship that keeps it balanced into the river.
Photo by Editor B

Plastic water bottles contain harsh chemicals that could harm plants and wildlife, for instance, some of the chemicals found in plastic are, flame retardants, BPA( Bisphenol-A), and Phthalates. It can also harm us because these chemicals are usually inhaled by marine life and can be consumed by us causing us to become sick. Deforestation also causes water pollution because the trees soak up the polluted water and purify it. Obviously, it won’t soak up all of it, but it plays a major role in cutting water pollution. So if the trees are gone what is going to help purify the water?

Don't pour to keep the water clean

Things you shouldn't do in trying to keep the water clean 

Don't pour, Cleaning supplies, medication, grease, fat, avoid using the garbage disposal, don't overuse detergent, and avoid pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer because when it rains it gets washed into the water.


  • -"20 Water Pollution Facts - For The United States And Throughout The World". Water Benefits Health. N. p., 2017. Web. 15 May 2017.