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Water preservation project

Published on Dec 02, 2015

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Water preservation project

Francisco Torres, Luis Vidal, Jeremy Javier, Erik Jose, Sebastian Jorge And Christian marinelli
Photo by mypubliclands

What is water

  • Water is a tasteless and colourless substance essential for all forms of life that live in planet earth. Our planet is covered in water, it exists in many places and forms, such ass in oceans, polar ice caps, clouds, rain water, rivers and freshwaters.
Photo by kevin dooley

Importance of water

  • Humans consume drinking water, which is water that has qualities that are essential for the human body. Rain water in many countries is polluted and therefore not safe to drink. This natural resource has become scarce with the growing world population, and its availability is a major social and economic concern.
Photo by conner395

water functions

  • -It serves as lubricant -it regulates body temperature -it removes harmful toxins from the body -Water transports valuable nutrients to the body
Photo by Eric M Martin

The world nowadays

Life in 50 years

  • According to the video we watched the first day of school, in about fifty years their is not going to be much water left.
Photo by Scrap Pile

Life in 50 years

  • -In the video people were, bold even women.
  • -the amount of water drinking per day was one cup.
  • -the rain was acid.
  • -The air was so contaminated that people had to wear mask.
Photo by Matt. Create.

How to avoid it

  • -Spreading awareness through social networks.
  • -We will try to make commercials with vip's (actors and famous politicians) trying to spread awareness.
  • -Our publicity will rely on scientific data (evidence).
Photo by mkhmarketing


  • The reason why we are going to do it this way is because we consider this is the only way people will take this serious.

What we mean

  • For example:
  • If the president wants to raise awareness instead of paying someone to be on a commercial he should be in the commercial.
Photo by theqspeaks