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Water Safety

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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Fluoride In Our Daily Lives

By : Malyiah Simpson & Paul Lopez
Photo by VinothChandar


  • Fluoride compounds are salts that form when the element, fluorine, combines with minerals in soil or rocks.
  • Many communities add fluoride to their drinking water to promote dental health.
Photo by infomatique

Fluoride In Products

  • Fewer cavities and less severe cavities.
  • Less need for fillings and tooth extractions.
  • Less pain and suffering associated with tooth decay.
Photo by voteprime

Health Effects From Fluoride

  • Exposure to excessive consumption of fluoride over a lifetime may lead to increased likelihood of bone fractures in adults, and may result in effects on bone leading to pain and tenderness.
  • Children aged 8 years and younger exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride have an increased chance of developing pits in the tooth enamel, along with a range of cosmetic effects to teeth.
Photo by bc the path

Community Water Fluoridation

  • Almost all water contains some naturally occurring fluoride, but usually at levels too low to prevent tooth decay.
  • Many communities choose to adjust the fluoride concentration in the water supply to a level beneficial to reduce tooth decay and promote good oral health.
Photo by drpavloff