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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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What is water?



Eliminates waste products



  • Water has a very high heat capacity (4.2kJ/kg).
  • Sweating.
  • Regulate body temperature.
Photo by technicolor76


  • Lubricants in our joints.
  • Shock absorber in our eyes, brain and spinal cord.


  • In 1992, Dr. Peter Agre discovered aquaporin.
  • Aquaporin 0 - in the lens of the eyes.
  • Aquaporin 1 - in parts of the nephron.
  • Aquaporin 5 - in the lacrimal and salivary gland and in the lungs.
Photo by kaibara87

More Benefits

  • Reduce blood viscosity.
  • Enhanced performance.
  • Slower exhaustion from intense activity.

Recommended intake

  • Typically 2-2.8L/day.
  • 1.2L from liquid.
  • 0.3L from metabolism.
  • 0.8-1L from food.
Photo by shrff14

Who benefits from it?

Photo by Great Beyond

Recommended intake

  • Athletes who train in a hot environment may need to consume 5 to 6 times more than normal recommended intake.
  • Do maths!


It is a need to:

  • Buffer from temperature changes.
  • Ensure water balance.
  • Ensure acid-base balance.
Photo by garryknight

Who else?

Photo by paurian


Photo by theqspeaks

Water in sports

  • Studies showed that 2% of dehydration decreases athlete's performance by 20%.
  • Enhance performance as nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the body tissues efficiently.
  • Elimination of lactic acid.

What if...

a person does not consumes enough water?
Photo by CIMMYT


Known as dehydration.
Photo by BMiz

Signs of dehydration

  • Thirsty
  • Weakness
  • Palpation
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Decreased urine output
  • Lack of concentration

Ways to prevent

  • Regularly drink water.
  • Consume more fruits and vegetables which are rich in water content.
Photo by karimian

NATA's suggestion

For athletes,
Photo by rgmcfadden

Ways to prevent

  • Establish a hydration protocol.
  • Begin all exercise sessions well hydrated.
  • Fluid containing CHO is recommended for athletes.
  • Encourage coaches to mandate rehydration during practices.
Photo by Ed Yourdon

What if...

a person consumes too much water?

Fatal Water Overdose

A person may suffer from...

Water intoxication

  • Hyponatremia
  • Blood sodium concentration below 135 millimoles per litres


Photo by enggul


  • When you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
  • Drink but not too much.
Photo by fPat


  • I suggest that lecturers give students more frequent toilet breaks.
  • Students are sometimes dehydrated.
  • They are afraid of drinking too much water.
  • Go to toilet = missed lecture.
Photo by jiruan