Cockeye noun
A squinting eye
I had to fight a lot and still got called cockeye Kenny and I still had people stare at my eye.
Absurd, crazy
Emulate verb
To try to be like someone or something you admire.
If, instead of trying to intimidate your young brother, you would emulate him.
Mimic, follow
Flypaper noun
A large piece of sticky paper used for catching and killing flys.
Byron mouth was frozen on the mirror! He was as stuck as a fly on flypaper.
Sticky, fly
Hambone adj
Odd shaped head
Me and your granddaddy called him that because the boy had a head shaped like a hambone.
Odd, different
Hostile adj
Of or relating to an enemy
Negroes the world is sometimes a hostile place for us.
Bitter, hateful
Juvenile delinquent adj
Bad teen of tween
Byron had just turned thirteen so he was officially a teenage juvenile delinquent.
Delinquent, hooligan
Panning verb
To be moved or manipulated in such a way
Panning is when you move the camera across the screen.
Camera, move
Pomade noun
A scented ointment
There was an oder of pomade and pomegranate that gave everyone a headache.
Punctual adj
Made, occurring,ect at a scheduled or proper time
The party is at a punctual time.
Event, scheduled
Skimpy adj
Lacking in size and fullness
A lot of kids in the world are skimpy because they don't get a lot to eat.
Thin, small
Vital adj
Having remarkable energy, liveliness, or force of personality
The camp consoler was very vital.
Energetic, happy
Conscience noun
An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of ones behavior
Leave it to daddy cool to torture human kids at school all day long and never have his conscience bother him.
Feeling, voice
Dispersal noun the action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area
The news of the march in Washington dispersed around the U.S.
Process, distributing
Haphazardly adjective
Characterized by lack of order of planning , by irregularity, or by randomness, determined by or dependent on chance, aimless
I can tell by the intelligent lock on your face, Mrs.Watson, that you have gasped that the speaker is not placed in the rear deck haphazardly no, ma'am.
Irregularity, aimless
High-fidelity noun
The reproduction do sound with little distortion, giving a result very similar to the ordinal
The boy gave a very high-fidelity report.
Clean, similar result
Interpretation noun
The action of explaining the meaning of something
As I'm certain you are aware, the problem in the past with this new technology in automotive sound. Has been road vibrations interfering with an accurate dispersal of the phonic interpretations.
Action, explaining
Jive noun
A lively style of dance popular especially in the 1940s and 1950s, preformed to swing music or rock and roll
I thought I told your jive little butt to be quiet and enjoy the cookies
Lively, popular
Maestro noun
A distinguished musician, especially a conductor of classical music
We at Flint's only soul station, dedicate this song to Daniel, from Wilona. Spin it maestro.
Distinguished, musician
Peon noun ( in south and Southeast Asia) someone of low rank
You really gonna make me go embarrass myself by singing a welfare list for some groceries like a blanged peon?
Low, rank
Pinnacle noun
A high, pointed piece of rock
It's a pinnacle of Western Civilization.
Rock, pointed
Symphonic adjective
(Of music) relating to or having the form or character of a symphony
Before I dazzle you with the symphonic sound of this unit, let me point out som of its less appreciated features.
Symphony, sound
Udders noun the mammary gland of female cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and related unglates, a bag like organ with two or more teats hanging near the hind legs
You ever seen udders on dad?
Cows, milk
Ultimate adjective
Being or happening near the end of a process, final
The ultimate in American knowledge.
Final, end
Accustomed adj
Customary or usual
You won't believe this, but if you listen to any kind of music long enough, first you get accustomed to it and then you learn to like it.
Usual, customary
Facilities noun
Space or equipment necessary for doing something
The chef needed some facilities for his brownies.
Gnashing verb
Grind (ones teeth) together, typically as a sign of anger
In spite of all the crying and bawling and moaning and wailing and gnashing of teeth I kept pushing on.
Hillbilly music noun
Folk music combined with elements of popular music in which the banjo, fiddle, and guitar are principal instruments.
Once you get south of Cincinnati the only kind of radio station you can get this hillbilly music.
Folk music, fiddle
Pathetic adj
Arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness
Some kids made some projects and one was pathetic.
Peninsula noun
A piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting it into a body of water
One the side of Mexico there is a peninsula.
Long, land
Rabies noun
A contagious and fatal vital disease of dogs and other mammals that causes madness and convolution, transmissible through the
Salvia to humans
I thought she'd be foaming at the mouth like she had rabies.
Madness, disease
Sanitation noun
Conditions relating to human Heath
Especially relating to provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal
Not a lot of money was spent on sanitation,roads, and other public works.
Adequate, disposal
Sheik noun
A leader of a Muslim community or organization
A Muslim community selected a sheik to be in charge.
Leader, Muslim
Snitch verb
The snitch stole a persons wallet.
Theft, steal
Temptations noun
A desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise
Good, because, Kenny, we've done all we can and it seemed the temptations are just to much for By here in Flint.
Desire, wrong
Duking verb
Fight it out
Byron and the wool pooh started during it out.
Duel, fight
Electrocuted verb
Injure are kill someone by electric shock
Byron was shaking like he was getting electrocuted.
Stingy adj
Unwilling or o give or share, ungenerous
He gust grabs folks that are too stingy to let peons on his land.
Ungenerous, unkind
Trespassing verb
To enter an owners land or property without permission
Land, permission
Whirlpool noun
A rapedly rotating mass of water in a sea or river
Tomas's little boy got caught up in some kinda whirlpool.
Wilier adj
Skilled at gaining an advantage
There aren't too many animals wiliest or tougher than a cold moon.
Gaining, advantage
Boycotts verb
Withdraw from a commercial or Social relations ( with a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest
Sit ins and boycotts of stores and public transportation applied economic pressure.
Confrontations noun
A hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties
The goal was to create tension and provoke confrontations.
Opposing, situation
Interracial adj
Existing between or involving different races
States passed laws that allowed crimination in schooling, housing and job opportunities, and prohibited interracial marriages.
Different, races
Pervasive adj
Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people
It was not as extreme or pervasive as in the south.
Picketing verb
Act as a picket outside a work place
Picketing, protest marches, and demonstrations made headlines.
Prohibited adj
That has been forbidden, banned
Housing and job opportunities, prohibited interracial marriages, and enforced segregation.
Forbidden, banned
Provoke verb
Stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone
The goal was to create tension and provoke confrontations that would force the federal government to step in and enforce the laws.
Strove verb
Make a great effort to achieve or obtain something
These men and women strove to change the laws through nonviolent resistance.
Achieve, obtain