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Slide Notes

This webinar presentation template was created in the Strangelove theme with image filters on.
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WBDC- Inbound Marketing

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This webinar presentation template was created in the Strangelove theme with image filters on.

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Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.

Scott stern

founder, red stripe strategy, @redstripestrat, scott@redstripestrategy.com
Include contact information on the guest; their job title, website, Twitter handle, and anything else you'd like to include.

If you'd like to add more information about the guest, you can use the Public Notes area here. You can learn more about public notes here: http://blog.haikudeck.com/turn-presentations-into-content-assets/
Photo by [Jim]

Questions? Ask in the chat.

Webinars will usually allow listeners to make comments and ask questions during the show; tell your audience where and how they can ask their questions and give feedback.


Will you be sharing links to resources and tools at the end of the webinar? Let your audience know up front to avoid any confusion.

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  • What is inbound marketing?
  • Inbound methodology
  • Campaign Planning
  • Questions
Introduce the topic of your webinar - is it a problem you're helping to solve, a service, or giving a tutorial? Give a brief overview.

You can use list slides to make your content more easy to read and digest. To learn more about lists, check out this blog post: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-ideas-lists-the-haiku-deck-way/

Our power tips for creating list slides: http://blog.haikudeck.com/power-tips-for-haiku-deck-lists/

Untitled Slide

Introduce the topic of your webinar - is it a problem you're helping to solve, a service, or giving a tutorial? Give a brief overview.

You can use list slides to make your content more easy to read and digest. To learn more about lists, check out this blog post: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-ideas-lists-the-haiku-deck-way/

Our power tips for creating list slides: http://blog.haikudeck.com/power-tips-for-haiku-deck-lists/

Untitled Slide

Introduce the topic of your webinar - is it a problem you're helping to solve, a service, or giving a tutorial? Give a brief overview.

You can use list slides to make your content more easy to read and digest. To learn more about lists, check out this blog post: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-ideas-lists-the-haiku-deck-way/

Our power tips for creating list slides: http://blog.haikudeck.com/power-tips-for-haiku-deck-lists/
Photo by PhoebeJ

Untitled Slide

Introduce the topic of your webinar - is it a problem you're helping to solve, a service, or giving a tutorial? Give a brief overview.

You can use list slides to make your content more easy to read and digest. To learn more about lists, check out this blog post: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-ideas-lists-the-haiku-deck-way/

Our power tips for creating list slides: http://blog.haikudeck.com/power-tips-for-haiku-deck-lists/

Traditional marketing was about interrupting.

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“Not only do they not necessarily trust traditional advertising anymore, they don’t even see traditional advertising anymore,” said S. Adam Brasel, marketing professor at Boston College.

Photo by debaird™

Social Media

The goal is to be part of the conversation

Photo by Ame Otoko

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Photo by Ame Otoko

Sharing helpful, relevant content that is customized to our ideal customer

Photo by clappstar

Engaging content acts like beacon that draws prospects to you

Photo by Philerooski

So how do we actually "do" inbound?

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Can your audience replay the webinar after the live broadcast? Let them know where and how long it will be available for viewing after the live broadcast.

*Tip: You can add a link to the page where it will be available for reply in the Public Notes -- make sure to include "http://" in the beginning of the link to make the link clickable.

Spot and assess; Attract

Strangers to Visitors 
If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.
Photo by andercismo

Buyer Personas

Semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer based on real data and educated speculation about customer demographics, behavioral patterns, motivations, and goals.

If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.
Photo by DanDeChiaro

There's 3 billion people online

and you can't reach all of them, so focus on the most valuable 
Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.

Personas help you create the right content

to most effectively attract, convert, and close your ideal customers
Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.
Photo by ManImMac

Steps to Creating buyer personas

  • Research, research, research
  • Identify trends
  • Create persona profile stories
Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.

Steps to Creating buyer personas

Research, Research, Research
Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.

Buyer personas must be based on facts, not assumptions

If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.

Untitled Slide

If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.

Why Not WHAT

Focus on motivations, not actions
If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.
Photo by KayVee.INC

Talk to current and former customers, prospects, co-workers, LinkedIn/Facebook connections, etc.

If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.
Photo by ScoRDS

Steps to Creating buyer personas

Look for trends
Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.

Bucket trends and similarities

these point out who your personas really area
If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.
Photo by bill barber

Most businesses find they have 3-5 personas, but can have as few or as many as you want

If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.
Photo by theqspeaks

Steps to Creating buyer personas

create buyer persona stories
Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.

Untitled Slide

Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.

You need to know more than who you're trying to reach.

You have to know what they're looking for and where.

Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.
Photo by pepe50

Specific Attract Tactics

  • Keyword Research (SEO)
  • Blog Posts
  • Social Media
  • Sponsored Content
Webinars wouldn't be complete without a Q&A session at the end.
Photo by Mariano Kamp

Develop; Convert

Visitors to Leads
If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.
Photo by Lead Beyond

Buyers Journey

If there are any upcoming webinars your audience would be interested in tuning in to in the future, make sure you mention those as well.

Specific Convert Tactics

  • Premium Content
  • Landing Pages
  • Calls-to-Action
  • Forms
Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.
Photo by Ian Sane

Recruit; Close

Leads into Customers
Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.
Photo by ganderssen1

"Spying is waiting"

- John le Carre, The Russia House
Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.

Untitled Slide

Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.

Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready lead at 33% lower cost

Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.

Specific Close Tactics

  • CRM
  • Email
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Marketing Automation
Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.
Photo by Ian Sane

Handle/Turnover: Delight

Customers to Promoters
Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.
Photo by R.H.Sumon™

Marketing doesn't end with the sale

Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.

71% of Americans says reviews from friends and family have a "significant" or "fair" amount of influence on their purchasing decisions.

Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.
Photo by Rev. Voodoo

84% of millennials say user-generated content (i.e. reviews) has at least some influence on what they buy (compared to 70% of Boomers).

Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.
Photo by Peter Ras

Specific Delight Tactics

  • Surveys
  • Social engagement/Monitoring
  • Referral System
Make sure to include instructions on how attendees can participate in the Q&A session, where and how to submit their questions, and if their questions will be available for public viewing.
Photo by Bev Goodwin

Executing Inbound

Bringing it all together
Thank everyone for attending in your final slide. You can include your contact information and your website so that your audience knows where they can learn more about you, your service, or your product.
Photo by Hkuchera

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Can your audience replay the webinar after the live broadcast? Let them know where and how long it will be available for viewing after the live broadcast.

*Tip: You can add a link to the page where it will be available for reply in the Public Notes -- make sure to include "http://" in the beginning of the link to make the link clickable.
Photo by eric.delcroix

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Photo by Western MAJ

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Photo by clotho98

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Scott stern

Include contact information on the guest; their job title, website, Twitter handle, and anything else you'd like to include.

If you'd like to add more information about the guest, you can use the Public Notes area here. You can learn more about public notes here: http://blog.haikudeck.com/turn-presentations-into-content-assets/
Photo by [Jim]