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We Are Creating an Informed and Active Citizenry

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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We Are Creating an Informed and Active Citizenry

with a powerful voice to inspire and preserve independence.
Photo by infomatique


  • Debating op-ed pieces to inspire a concern for global issues
  • Create surveys and QR codes to take students to the surveys to test a theory garnered from researching past social theories

General English
Looking at the American Dream through literature to create a better future:
Created Twitter profiles for characters to create conversations world-wide with other students
--An economics teacher from a small school in Michigan saw it on Twitter and asked for the lesson plan

Photo by Daniel Y. Go

AP Informed Citizenry
Choosing social issues and reading, blogging, debating, and writing to have a voice in the conversation on a topic which normally inspires bias and prejudice, but which students have committed to opening their minds and considering new perspectives on a global scale.