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We Don't Need No Stinking Badges

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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We Don't Need No Stinking Badges

...or do we?


 A Long and Low Tech History
"Badging" is an educational buzz word at the moment, but badging is nothing new. The practice of badging has been around forever and is every where from I-voted stickers, to certificates of recognition, to actual badges on police officers. And badging when done well encourages a certain type of behavior or motivates an accomplishment of some kind.
Photo by sleepyneko

Props to CFT

I'd like to shout out to a particular effective example of badging in the faculty hallways. This is the CFT sign hanging outside my door. It both recognizes me for my professional development efforts, and exerts a subtle pressure for others to participate in others. Furthermore, when I walk by my colleagues offices there is again that social pressure. Sort of a professional keeping up with the joneses going on.

Badging in Education

The question that gets asked a lot lately. Is can we motivate learning with badges?
Photo by colinlogan

Automated Ed is Leading the Way

And the answer is yes, automated learning sites are already doing this. Precisely because they lack the traditional incentive systems of grades, they have to look elsewhere to motivate learners to complete learning objectives.

Talk about IXL

Untitled Slide

Khan Academy example

Making Badges Social

Got Brags?
Open Study

Badging and CMS's

Photo by Mr_Stein

Badging and Gamification

Photo by Great Beyond

A Way Out of the University Model

Mozilla Backpack
Photo by kevin dooley