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hello everybody, and thanks for coming. this a ted talks presentation on frogs.
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We Need Frogs.

Published on Dec 10, 2015

Why we need frogs.


We need frogs.

hello everybody, and thanks for coming. this a ted talks presentation on frogs.
Photo by Giuss95

We Need Frogs Because...

we need these slimy, sticky creatures because...
Photo by Matt Cornwell

Untitled Slide

  • Food Chain.
  • Cool Pets.
  • The Environment.
they are a ginormous part of the food chain, they bare neat pets, and they are a big part of the environment.
Photo by .sandhu

Frogs also...

  • Make medicine.
  • Are food for animals and humans.
frogs also are used for medicine and are food for native tribes.

They are a big part of the food chain!

as I said, frogs are a big part of the food chain!!!
Photo by atomicshark

If frogs die...

if all the frogs die and not one egg is left...
Photo by gideonc


all the animals that eat them will die, too!
Photo by o_o

The food chain is a work of art.

A priceless picture that needs to stay the same.
the food chain is priceless in perfect order and will crumble if frogs die out!
Photo by Milkwooders

frogs eat bugs...

like mosquitoes.
all frogs eat bugs, like pesty mosquitoes.
Photo by Nokton

Mosquitoes have malaria...

and some of those pests have a disease called malaria
Photo by Hugo Quintero


which is extremely deadly and kills many every summer.

The next time you see a frog...

so the next time you see a cute little frog,
Photo by cisc1970

REMember to let him live.

remember to let him live on and be "hoppy"

to keep frogs alive...

and to keep these adorable creatures living
Photo by parisneto

DON't catch them!!!

dont catch them! oils get in their skin and kill them, just like...
Photo by Bec Parsons

Don't use lawn pesticides.

They kill them and make them look weird!
Pesticides! don't do that to make your lawn pretty, because it does not make frogs look pretty.
Photo by vipin baliga

Don't eat them!

dont eat frogs, unless you really need to. they might be a part of the food chain, but you still shouldn't eat them.

don't pollute.

especially dont pollute the swamps and lakes so frogs can swim.

and keep their habitats clean.

and remember to clean the lakes, ponds, rivers, and swamps.
Photo by Werner Kunz

These frogs are special.

these frogs are more important than you think.
Photo by Josh Kenzer

they are important to earth.

they are important to earth and special

So keep them alive

Photo by Matthew Fang