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Wednesday Wars

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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  • Holling is convinced Mrs.Baker hates him because she "glares" at him and gives gives him hard problems. He also has to be perfect so Mrs.Baker chooses his fathers architecture firm.
  • "That's when I knew that she hated me. This look came over her face like the sun had winked out and was not going to shine again until next June."(Schmidt 4)
  • "I guess things aren't so bad,' I said. 'Keep them that way,' he said."(Schmidt 8)
  • Holling works hard to be nice to Mrs.Baker.
  • Hard work pays off.
Photo by marfis75


  • Holling starts doing chores on Wednesday but then is surprised when Mrs.Baker wants to read Shakespeare with him, which he likes.
  • "She wanted to bore me to death, even though she said that she didn't - which was all part of the strategy. But Merchant of Venice was okay."(Schmidt 46)
  • Holling starts to like his work.
  • Hard work pays off.


  • Holding reads The Tempest and likes it. With his new knowledge he impresses Mr.Goldman, the baker, and earns the 24 cream puffs that he owes his "friends".
  • "And that was how I got to be part of the Long Island Shakespeare Company's Holiday Extravaganza, which was opening next month. And how I got twenty-two cream puffs for two dollars and eighty cents less than I should have- plus two more free, since they came cheaper by the dozen."(Schmidt 65)
  • Holling gets reduced price cream puffs because I impressed Mr.Goldman with his Shakespeare.
  • Hard work pays off.
Photo by bcmom


  • Holling plays a yellow fairy in The Tempest and Mickey Mantle comes to town to sign baseballs. Mickey refuses to sign his ball because Holling is late, so Danny Hupfer refuses to keep Mickey's ball. The last Sunday before break, Mrs.Baker gets Joe Pepitone and Horace Clark to play baseball with Danny, Holling, and Doug because she felt bad Holling was refused by Mickey Mantle.
  • "And Danny Hupfer had seen it all. the yellow tights. The cape. The ball. Everything. Danny Hupfer, who stepped to the table and slowly placed his baseball- his baseball signed by Mickey Mantle- back in front of the greatest player to put on Yankee pinstripes since Babe Ruth.'I guess I don't need this after all,' Danny said. He lifted his hand from it, and I could tell it wasn't easy."(Schmidt 92)
  • Danny and his friends are rewarded because of his hard work in returning the baseball.
  • Hard work pays off.
Photo by onefish2


  • Pictures of Holling as Ariel show up everywhere around school and he is embarrassed. He also pushes his sister out of the way of a bus and gets hit by it. A picture of him saving her shows up everywhere and on the local newspaper.
  • "My sister was crying. Really. 'Holling,' she said,' you saved my life."(Schmidt 125)
  • Holling sacrificed his butt to save his sister and she now is nicer yo him for it.
  • Hard work pays off.


  • Holling takes Meryl Lee on a date to Romeo and Juliet and his father got the junior high school bid. Mrs.Baker's husband is missing in action.
  • "Meryl Lee and I were partners on Friday for sentence diagraming. We ate together ate lunch. And we decided to be partners for Mr.Petrelli's next geography assignment..."(Schmidt 154)
  • Holling works hard to impress Meryl Lee and he does and they become best friends.
  • Hard work pays off.
Photo by Oric1


  • Mrs.Baker shows Holling her Olympic silver medal and teaches him to run like Jesse Owens. He tried out for cross country running and made varsity. Sycorax and Caliban are caught by Mrs.Sidman and Mai Tai is bullied because she is Vietnamese.
  • "I ran over the weekend, not because I was worried about Coach Quatrini would think t was a dang wimpy slug, but because I was pretty sure that if I didn't, I might have something awful happen to me after running at tryout pace on the ides of March."(Schmidt 164)
  • Holling worked hard to make the varsity cross country running team.
  • Hard work pays off.
Photo by Mr. 604


  • Holling won his cross country meet and Mrs.Baker's husband has a possibility of being found. They also go to Opening day at Yankee stadium and get a tour.
  • "...And when I hit the trail again I was ahead of them, and we were all sprinting, but they were sprinting in a cross-country trail in Salisburg Park and I was sprinting through the cool grass of the outfield in Yankee Stadium, running down a ball that Joe Pepitone had just hit to right."(Schmidt 207)
  • Holling won the race because of his practice and hard work.
  • Hard work pays off.


  • Holling uses all the money he has to get his sister home when she decides to come home. Mrs.Baker's husband is found and Mrs.Baker brings Holling around town to look at architecture.
  • "Then she started to hiccup, and cry, and to laugh, and Mrs.Sidman put the telegraph down, held Mrs.Baker in her arms, nodded to me, and took her out of the classroom for a drink of water."(Schmidt 236)
  • "My father said only one thing during supper: 'Did you find yourself?'. 'What,' said my sister. 'Did you find yourself?'. 'She found me,' I said."(Schmidt 234)
  • Holling almost drives himself to get his sister home and in the end they are closer then ever.
  • Hard work pays off.


  • Mrs.Baker's class goes on a camping trip and Danny has his bar-mitzvah, where Holling stands up to his father about becoming a man.
  • "I guess you want to know what Mrs.Baker did when Lieutenant Baker came out of the plane. And I guess you want to know what Lieutenant Baker did when he saw Mrs.Baker on the tarmac. But toads, beetles, bats. If you can't figure that out for yourself, then a southwest blow on he and blister you all o'er. Because let me tell you, it was a happy ending."(Schmidt 264)
  • Holling stands up to his father and feels better then ever.
  • Hard work pays off.