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Slide Notes

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Week 1 Day 1

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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  • Fold notecard hotdog style
  • Write your name on front (first, last)
  • On the inside write:
  • ----- who was your english teacher?
  • ----- what did you do this summer?
Photo by quinn.anya


  • Name tent
  • Introduction to Ms Clark
  • Procedures
  • beginning of year paper work
  • Introduction Activity

Attendance + Schedules

Photo by familymwr

Who is
Ms Clark

Photo by SpeakerX


Where there are 654,923miles of road
Photo by jmeissen

Bryan TX

Small Town
Photo by Edwin Saleh


Big City
Photo by Vittoriofe


Home of the...
Photo by Cliff_Baise


Anthropology and World Religions


Moved a year ago
Photo by jeffmon


Photo by srgpicker


Photo by ishane



Welcome to FS106

Photo by KJGarbutt

School Rules

  • All personal electronic devices off and away
  • Be prepared and on time
  • Speak respectfully with appropriate language
  • Behave in a way that respects everyone’s right to learn
Photo by dak0rn


  • verbal warning
  • switch seats
  • service to class during free time
  • referral to P17 removal from class 
  • ***teacher reserves the right to skip***
Photo by lehman_11


I see it I lock it up for rest of class
Photo by Weijiangg

Class Rewards

  • 300points = creative activity next friday 
  • +10pts = electronics
  • +10pts = respectful language
  • +10pts = behavior respects learning
  • +5pts = Bellwork
Photo by ecstaticist

Individual Rewards

  • 25points = reward drawer 
  • points earned for...
  • --- HW on time, going above expectations 
  • --- college shirt Thursday, spirit days
  • Prizes handed out on Fridays
Photo by eo_kuro

Classroom procedures

help the class run smoothly
Photo by Timm Suess

Must have a planner
Never during instruction

Photo by bobbymond

Call for Attention

  • Teacher raises her hand and says...
  • ----"I need everyone's attention in 5,4,3,2,1"
  • As soon as you see my hand, silently raise yours


turn and talk to your neighbor
Photo by abbilder

End of Class

  • last 10min
  • Announce Homework
  • Class points
  • Exit Ticket
  • last 5min Pack up and put up supplies 
Photo by sickmouthy

-parent packet (due Wed)
-school information (Keep)

Photo by cali.org

-Bell Schedule-
1period 8:00-9:28
2 period 9:35-10:55
Lunch 10:55-11:25
3 period 11:26-12:48
4 period 12:55-2:15
passing = 7min

Photo by Kaba

introduction Activity

Photo by cherzbabydoll

introduction Activity

Photo by cherzbabydoll

End of Class

  • last 10min
  • Announce Homework = Parent Packet
  • Class points
  • Exit Ticket = on next Slide
  • last 5min Pack up and put up supplies 
Photo by sickmouthy


Field trip permission form by Wed

but really!!

Its gonna be awesome!!

Exit Ticket

  • on your name tent answer...
  • --- what are you most excited about in 10th grade?
  • Turn it into the pocket by the door on way out
  • pack up and stay at desks till the bell rings
Photo by ictusoculi