The struggle is internal. Are you bored, had a bad day, have cravings, are worried or frustrated, deserve a reward, seeking pleasure, or feeling lonely, etc.?
Go ahead, eat more, it will make you feel better, one tells oneself.
What about nutrition? Most animals eat only to maintain health and nutrition.
We eat to fulfill the body's needs and overeat to fulfill the mind's needs.
Self-Talk: It is probably a positive event that he broke up with me sooner rather than later. It appears he does not really appreciate me. Since our relationship was meaningful, he must be feeling pretty down about himself.
Feelings: Mildly annoyed without strong, disturbing feelings, physical reactions or desire for comfort food.
Behavior: Took a shower, made a healthful salad, drank water and chose to have a healthful desert.
Get out, call someone, pamper yourself, work out, watch comedy, indulge in or develop new hobby, take a bath, read a book, play music, sing songs, dance, swim, do photography, smell the roses, write in gratitude journal, scrapbook, purge possessions, go for a drive, craft, draw, paint, sculpt, work on car, go fishing, build birdhouse, go for a walk or hike, ride a bike, go bird watching, join a group and volunteer etc.,