Strategic Commitments
- People
- Learner outcomes
- Stewardship
- Partnerships
- Equity
People: those in this room, our students, our families, and our community.
Learner outcomes: Futurist Ian Jukes said we endeavor to prepare our students for THEIR futures not our PAST. We do this through academic and social/emotional skill-building, problem-solving, and teaching them how to think critically. There has been a lot of rhetoric over the past few months about "indoctrination" vs. education. Of course, we know this is foolishness. We can barely get kids to...
Stewardship: we seek wise use of limited resources: financial, human, and time.
Partnerships: we know we cannot do this work alone. we seek to do this in concert with our community, state, nation, and world.
Equity: we understand in our pursuit of a more perfect union, some may need more support at times than others. Equity comes from the spirit of "help your neighbor."