Welcome Back

Published on Feb 03, 2016

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The Power of Photos

And Cover pictures

Welcome Back

Welcome Back. My name is EH and Corinne Floyd and I would like to welcome you the 3rd in a series of 4 videos on….Title (whatever that ends up as) LOL
We have developed the content and Curriculum in a sequential order so please if you haven’t watched Video #1-go back there now. Then watch video #2. You’ll be so glad you did! Remember to download each worksheet that comes with each video. Easy to follow along and make notes and fill in the blanks.

Untitled Slide

A big thank-you so much for all those comments you’ve been leaving us. We are committed to teaching you how to have fun on Facebook, so that it is easy and of course if you’re in business at all, this just happens to be a very easy Fun way to make new contacts and through a series of simple steps-also easy to these new contacts into new friendships. The best way?
So please keep commenting under each video in our series. Let us know what you’re learning. Let us know how this has helped you?
Just join in the conversation!

It is for Everyone!

This is a Primer-your basic guide or roadmap for those who are kinda new to FB, or the focus up to now has been only on close friends and family connections. Now you’d like to learn more. Find out what is possible.
Or you just don’t know where to go to learn about all the cool features available to play with on your FB profile-everything seems to be about FB Pages and targeted ADS and you’re not there yet-- AND for those small business people like me who were early adopters and have maxed out the 5000 friends, still building connections and influence through followers but with all the recent changes, you need a refresher... plus you know you’re scared to death of dropping into the Black Hole of the dreaded Time Wasting Vortex!
You also want to know how do you organize different sets/groups of friends into an organized, easy to see, easy to find out what’s going on with your favorite important people-in a seamless way-see what they post.
What we know for sure? Just when you feel comfortable with the most recent updates to Facebook, along comes a whole new round.
We’re going to show you how to do this..(Corinne-this may belong also in Video one introduction) Who is this for?
So pull up a chair and grab a cup of coffee. We’re going to show you how to have your profile personal photo image AND your cover image POP so you Stand Out.
We’re really excited to be sharing some of our favorite tools + apps to look like you have a graphic designer on staff…so you can join in and play with designing posters, change up your cover banner and really POP….This is really exciting to me as I don’t have any artistic flair re graphic design but have lots of creative ideas..a frustrating combo UNTIL now! Corinne is going to show you our biggest secret to looking like you are an artist or have one on your team!

Then Corinne is going to show us in a short video lesson little known ways to capture your favorite quotes+ posts, recipes, and videos from your news stream to post later without killing more trees and adding to the paper clutter already strangling most of us and causing clouds of paper all over the house! Then we forget where we saved them…
Photo by tom cochrane

Sharing & Engagement

First off..we’re going to briefly talk about

Playground Rule sharing - we mentioned it in video #1 - share linke, photos, videos now we are expanding that to talk about engagement

Or in today’s new language

Baby it’s all about the Social Sharing!
Shows how “connected” or engaged you are with your friends and they are with you.

Today this is the new “popularity “test or gage?

What exactly is “engagement” on Facebook?Or how about which channel ranks the highest in shares? (it is Facebook )

Facebook serves as the internet water cooler and social salon where friendships dominate.

People share ‘List” and “WHY” posts the most.

Have you heard of the “LISTICLE?”

“Engagement” is made up of likes, shares and comments

Are you curious about which type of social content gets the most shares?

Or how about which channel ranks the highest in shares? (it is Facebook )

Facebook serves as the internet water cooler and social salon where friendships dominate.

People share ‘List” and “WHY” posts the most.

Have you heard of the “LISTICLE?

Photo by porschelinn


5 Ways to...
#1 most common share is a “LISTICLE”- ie. 10 Signs your lover is going to leave you.” Or 5 Vegetables to Avoid if you want to lose weight…

We’ll dive more deeply into LISTICLES and how to create them with simple content and images in our upcoming next course so hang on…We have uncovered many exciting secrets in our research so will be eager to share what we’ve learned down the road..
Photo by jimwhimpey


Interesting Factoids

Did you know that posts including an image are 87% more likely to get shared than posts without?
Peg Fitzpatrick, author of “The Art of Social Media” and social media power user seconds that,

“You can’t be guaranteed a share if an image doesn’t pull through on the Pin it button or onto Facebook or Google+. Help people help you by providing an image that they can share. If people can look like a rockstar sharing your content, it’s a win!”

Videos are the hottest thing right now. They are the fastest way to get people to get to know you and to share your video with their friends. There is an 86% increase in sales for example if a video is used to explain a product’s benefits on a sales page.
Why is Visual Content important? Here are a few Stats
65% of your audience (friends) are visual learners
93% of human communication is NONVERBAL
90% of all information transmitted to our brains is visual
80% is what people remember when they See it
20% is all people remember when they read something…

More than anything: remember this:
Visual Content Gets More Social Shares. We’re here to teach you have to have more impact. This is the fastest and easiest way

We’re going to dive way more into this topic in our next program.

We’ve also received lots of feedback from many of our customers that they don’t like seeing themselves on video..”too fat, to
o old, all sorts of negative self talk barriers so we’ve just covered

Facebook Cover

Why is it a good idea to change your Cover photo on a regular basis?
Changing your Facebook cover image often is a great way to get more exposure because every time you add a new image-including a new cover image-it potentially goes in the news feed.

A good suggestion is to get Festive with your Cover images. Whether it is Christmas, or Mother’s Day…Spring, St. Patrick’s Day…it shows up in the news feed AND shows a playful side of you…

You see all these great quotes, scenes of beaches with a laptop and maiTai in hand and you wonder if you are the only one without a limitless budget for designers..?

We’re going to share with you the most amazing tool that will make you look like you have a team of expensive designers yet… it can be done by you…even if you are a complete NON-Techie! Promise…

Now we are going to have the master of creative design Corinne show you exactly how to create breathtaking designs without the big expense of hiring a graphic designer..!

Corinne-video on Canva

begin it now

In this video, the 3rd in the series we covered what Facebook engagement really is and why it is important.
We showed you simple ways to use images on your Facebook posts.
We showed you how to stand out with your cover pictures and how the use of seasons and special holiday themes can bring out the playfulness in you…
We showed you how to make listicles and why they are so popular with building engagement.

We showed you the most amazing tool that makes you look like you have a team of pricey designers on staff!

I hope you had fun playing with us today and being creative….

Leave your comments below and let us know how you enjoyed today’s webinar-and what is the first thing you’re going to do on your profile and if you have one – your Page?

Coming Next

Thanks again for joining us..and next up is the 4 th and final video in our free series on Facebook…(what is the title?) where we put it all together and show you 2 more Awesome FB features that will save you time, make you more productive, have more fun on Facebook and make more connections. Connecting with people is really what Facebook is all about and we’re here to show you how to do that without going into the Rabbit hole and wasting hours of your precious time….
Photo by Great Beyond