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Scientific Resolution.

by: Courtney Dahl and Mackenzie Koss
Photo by Pnikosis

scientific resolution

  • Scientific Resolution- movement pointed towards a future shaped by new way of thinking about physical universe
  • People thought that Earth was the center of the universe, It was excepted by the church. In the 1500-1600, however, people began to question it which is a big step because people in the time of the renaissance thought that we were the center because God made it and Europe was the only land.

Nicolaus Copernicus

  • He published "On the Resolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" and he proposed Heliocentric or sun centered, model of universe. the sun, he said stands at center. Earth is just one of center planets that revolve around the sun.

Johannes Kepler

  • Was an Astronomer and mathematician who calculated the planets going around the sun.
  • His calculations supported Copernicus's sun centered view.
Photo by Vanderelbe.de


  • Assembled a telescope. He observed that four moons or Jupiter moved slowly around it.
Photo by Adolfo Monti

Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes

  • try to understand how truth is determined.
  • created the scientific method by the combination of both of their teams. requires hypothesis
Photo by afagen

Isaac Newton

  • explained why planets move.
  • Created the idea of Gravity that a single force keeps planets in orbit around sun.
Photo by cell105

Robert Boyle

  • distinguished elements from chemical compounds.
  • Also had effect of temperature and pressure on gases
Photo by brianc