Lend a helping hand -
Growing up in our family we constantly saw our grandparents, parents, and aunts and uncles helping those around, whether friend or stranger. I cannot count the number of times that we stopped on the side of some back country road or highway to help change a tire, or give a ride to someone having car trouble. We were always going to help people load or unload a trailer as they moved from one house to another. Doors were always held open for others to pass through and heavy things were carried for anyone going in our direction. These things were done without fanfare and with no real mention about what we were doing or why. Once in awhile, when a person offered profuse thanks, I would hear my grandfather or dad say they were happy to help, and "you never know when you might need help yourself." They lived by the motto of the golden rule and understood that what goes around comes around. I very much carry on in this tradition of kindness that was handed down from my family. At times it is harder than others, but I strive to do my best. My own children have taken note and even commented by saying, "Mom, you are nice to EVERYONE." While that may not be completely true, I do hope they let this part of our family culture affect them as well.