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Western Settlement

Published on Jan 08, 2016

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Western Settlement


  • The first Transcontinental Railroad brought profit out west.
  • Settlers went out west ultimately of hopes to start fresh and get rich.
  • Burlingame Treaty allowed Chines people to be used as laborers to help farm and build in the west.
  • With wealth came tariffs on goods being transported which rose america out of debt.
  • Homestead act was in place in hopes of building homes in the west even in Indians land of homes.
  • Indians were forced off of their lands
  • US Government set up schools for Indians to destroy their culture and make them "american".
  • Indians were also moved to reservations
  • Family owned Farms covered the land, but also big corporations EX: California Plantations
APUSH Book: Page 511,512
Youtube: Westward expansion: Crash Course US History #24


  • Who was in office during the beginning westward expansion? A) Thomas Jefferson B) Abraham Lincoln C) George Washington D) Barack Obama
  • What kind of impact did the first transcontinental railroad have of the west? A) Killed Indians B)Brought product to the west and increased economy C) made the west overcrowded D) destroyed westward expansion
  • what was the main motive that drove people to move out west? A)couriosity B)money for government C)self righteousness D)it was popular to go out west
  • True or False? Only rich people settled in the west 1) True 2) False
  • True or false? Indians did a ritual dance that they believed would make the white americans get off of their land 1) True 2) False

Answer key

  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d
  • false
  • true

Key Terms

  • Transcontinental railroad
  • western settlement
  • sand creek
  • treaty of kanagawa
  • john westly powell
  • chief joseph
  • lone wolf vs hitehock
  • munn vs Illinois (1877)
  • william seward
  • battle little big horn

focus on the two most important words in the propaganda.
1) Predict why the name California would interest people into going out west.
2)List as many reasons why men would go west and dig for gold without even knowing if its really there
3) compare the westward expansion to beginning of exploring the world.

think about the conflicts that were going on between native Americans and white Americans.
1)List 3 reasons why conflict between he two kept occurring through out history.
2) Discuss the political views on pushing Indians off of their own land
3)Write what you think might have been said in the illustration above.