What are Empty Verbs? Grammar Review

Published on Nov 16, 2017

Empty verbs perform a few different jobs in English. In simple terms, empty verbs replace other verbs. Empty verbs are used as part of a phrase as well. Native English speakers often convey the same message two different ways. Common empty verbs are “Have, give, take, make, do, get”. As empty verbs have no meaning, they are commonly used to help describe certain activities. Collocated word combinations use certain empty verbs to explain or describe an action or fact.


What are Empty Verbs?

Larisa English Grammar Review by Billgreen54

Larisa English Club. com

Teacher and Student Educational Resources

What are Empty Verbs?

Empty verbs
perform a few different
jobs in English.

In simple terms, empty verbs replace other verbs.

Empty verbs are used as part of phrases as well.

Native English speakers often convey the same message two different ways.

Common empty verbs are “Have, give, take,
make, do, get”.

As empty verbs have no meaning, they are commonly used to help describe certain activities.

Collocated word combinations use empty verbs to explain or describe an action or fact.

Empty Verb Examples...

Can you find the
empty verbs?...

I am having a party Friday! (Planning or schedule.)

You have a car!
(You own a car.)

We have coffee
in the mornings!
(We drink coffee.)

They gave me an award! (They awarded me with.)

He gives blood
at the hospital!
(He donates blood.)

She gave me a sandwich! (She served me a sandwich.)

It takes great photos!
(The camera works well.)

I take a bath every night!
(I bathe every night.)

You need to
make up your mind!
(To decide.)

We made a
complaint at the shop!
(To complain.)

They did some shopping! (They went shopping or they shopped.)

He does the
cooking every night!
(He cooks or prepares dinner.)

She does yoga
three times a week!
(To practice yoga.)

It gets excited
at feeding time!
(To be happy.)

Empty verbs should be studied and learned with simple examples and everyday English.

Phrases are full
of empty verbs.

Remember that phrases can be both literal
and idiomatic.

In other words, literal phrases often describe an action or state...

Idiomatic phrases or idiomatic phrasal verbs describe a state
or action that is not obvious
most of the time.

Have fun with
empty verbs!

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About the author. Billgreen54 is an ESL tutor, writer and publisher. Helping others better understand the English language is a daily life adventure. Bill and Larisa share lives knowledge helping others achieve individual, family, employment and life goals. Share your knowledge with others. Watch them prosper and pass along their lives adventures with friends and family.

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