What are “Negative Questions”? Grammar Review

Published on Nov 16, 2017

Sometimes, questions aren’t really questions at all. Speakers of English often want to confirm information they think they know. In other words, we might know something about a fact and we simply want to know if it is true or not. We also use negative questions to offer an opinion, polite requests and offers. When someone uses a negative question, be careful with your answer!


What are Negative Questions?

Larisa English Grammar Review by Billgreen54

Larisa English Club. com

Teacher and Student Educational Resources

What are Negative Questions?

Sometimes, questions aren’t questions at all.

Speakers of English often want to confirm information they think they know.

In other words, we might know something about a fact and we simply want to know if
it is true or not.

We also use negative questions to offer an opinion, polite requests and offers.

When someone uses a negative question, be careful with your answer!

Here are different ways to use negative questions...

Negative Questions...

Don’t you like to read? (Yes, I do or No, I don’t)

Didn’t you visit
the doctor yesterday?
(Yes, I did or No, I didn’t)

Aren’t you going
to work today?
(Yes, I am or No, I am not)

Weren’t you at the
party last night?
(Yes, I was or No, I was not)

Hasn’t the
postman arrived yet?
(Yes, he has or No, he hasn’t)

Haven’t you
eaten breakfast yet?
(Yes, I have or No, I haven’t)

“Opinion” Negative Questions...

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a new car? (Yes, it would be or No, it wouldn’t)

Wouldn’t it be great if you could drive a car? (Yes, it would / No, It wouldn’t)

“Polite Request”
Negative Questions...

Why don’t you have
dinner with us tonight?
(I would love that)

Why don’t you join
us at the beach house?
(I would love too)

Negative Questions...

Wouldn’t you
like another cup of tea?
(I would like that, thank you)

Wouldn’t you like another slice of pizza?
(Yes, I’ll have another)

Remember, a
negative question
isn’t a question at all.

When someone uses a negative question, simply answer with the truth.

You might use
a simple “yes or no”
with a follow up statement.

Work with your teacher on this subject. Blended learning is the best!

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About the author. Billgreen54 is an ESL tutor, writer and publisher. Helping others better understand the English language is a daily life adventure. Bill and Larisa share lives knowledge helping others achieve individual, family, employment and life goals. Share your knowledge with others. Watch them prosper and pass along their lives adventures with friends and family.

Larisa English Club. com

Teacher and Student Educational Resources