What are “Quantifiers and Partitives?” Grammar Review

Published on Nov 16, 2017

A quantifier is a word or phrase used before a noun or pronoun to refer to a quantity or amount of something. Quantifiers are used to give more information. We use these words and phrases with countable and uncountable nouns. With a quantifier, just about all nouns are countable in English! Simple quantifiers used with countable nouns include words like “Many, few, several etc. Quantifiers used with both countable and uncountable nouns are “All, enough, a lot of, some, any etc. Partitives are words or phrases used to refer to part of something. In other words a partial quantity. Partitives are used to refer to both countable and uncountable nouns. “A glass of water, a can of soda, a slice of bacon, a room full of people. Often, we use a container or form of measurement in partitive construction.


What are Quantifiers and Partitives?

Larisa English Grammar Review by Billgreen54

Larisa English Club. com

Teacher and Student Educational Resources

What are Quantifiers and Partitives?

A quantifier is a word or phrase used before a noun or pronoun to refer to a quantity or amount of something.

Quantifiers are used to give more information.

We use these words and phrases with countable and uncountable nouns.

With a quantifier, just about all nouns are countable in English!

Simple quantifiers used with countable nouns include words like “Many, few, several etc.

Quantifiers used with both countable and uncountable nouns are “All, enough, a lot of, some, any etc.

Partitives are words or phrases used to refer to part of something.

In other words a
partial quantity.

Partitives are used to refer to both countable and uncountable nouns like...

...“A glass of water, a can of soda, a slice of bacon, a room full of people.

Often, we use a container or form of measurement in partitive construction.

This grammar review is a brief and partial explanation of quantifiers.

Here are a few examples. Ask your teacher to help you with this subject.

“Partitive” Examples...

I just bought a pound of sugar at the supermarket!

Here is a bouquet of flowers for your birthday!

Would you like a cup of coffee now or later?

May I get you a bottle of water from the fridge?

“Countable” Quantifier Examples...

Could you buy a few apples at the shop?

We have several cats
on the farm!

How many apples do we have at home now?

“Uncountable” Quantifier Examples...

Could I have just a little sugar for my coffee?

May I offer you a bit of
my chocolate cake?

Our neighbor doesn’t have much money!

The main idea with quantifiers is to recognize ways to refer to nouns.

Ask your teacher to explain this subject further and provide you with study materials.

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About the author. Billgreen54 is an ESL tutor, writer and publisher. Helping others better understand the English language is a daily life adventure. Bill and Larisa share lives knowledge helping others achieve individual, family, employment and life goals. Share your knowledge with others. Watch them prosper and pass along their lives adventures with friends and family.

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