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What are Some of the Highest IQ Scores That Have Ever Been Reported?

Published on Sep 06, 2022

One of the psychological tests that is most commonly mentioned in the United States today is the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test. It is a complex idea that has been argued and criticized over the past four decades. However, for the great majority of individuals, IQ is still the standard of intelligence.

It is the exam that people think about when they ponder how to grasp their talents and intellectual aptitude. While many notable people have high IQs, only a handful have exceeded 200 points and shown to the world how intelligent they are.

What exactly is IQ?

The shorthand for intelligence quotient is IQ. It assesses people's capacity to do challenging activities in a variety of circumstances. The test assesses the ability to evaluate and then communicate that analysis in a written or oral style.

It necessitates the capacity to process and communicate knowledge, as well as not bow under the pressure of a specific test situation on a single day. The things that a person already knows are not measured by IQ.

It instead assesses their capacity to acquire new abilities as well as absorb and apply new knowledge. Choosing and comparing IQ ratings is quite tough. Over the last century, there have been a broad range of IQ test available.

Some of these tests have fundamentally distinct comparison bases and methodologies. Some IQ tests use a range of scoring methodologies and organize their scores in different ways. A few have a maximum and minimum IQ score range that all potential test takers fall between.

How is IQ determined?

IQ is not a fixed number. There is nothing inherently meaningful about having an IQ score. It is instead a relative score that assesses how well a person does on an exam. The score is determined by a number of criteria. First, it is an assessment of the answers given on the test.

Several of these responses are deemed correct or incorrect. In certain intelligence tests, for example, the individual taking the test is presented a number of matrices, each of which contains an item that is distinct from the others.

The answer is either correct or incorrect. The test administrator then scores and notes how many correct answers the test taker received. The administer then compares the test taker's raw score to the raw scores of all other test takers.

A score is computed that compares their score to the scores of all other test takers. The score is designed in such a way that there is a bell curve, and the median of all takers is around 100. This process generates a score that determines a person's intelligence based on the test they took.

Which scores are the highest?

Marilyn Vos Savant held the record for the highest IQ score for several years. She was an accomplished professional who worked in numerous sectors and often applied her intelligence. Her performance on the IQ test helped launch her to national prominence. It led to the creation of a regular magazine column in which she answered letters and solved brain puzzles on a regular basis.

There are several additional IQ ratings that are among the highest ever reported. Adragon De Mello was one of them. De Mello might have had an IQ of 400. If confirmed, the figure would be by far the greatest in human history. De Mello utilised that information to become, at the age of 11, one of the youngest persons to ever graduate from college. Michael Gross and Michael Kearney were also present.

According to several tests, Kearney has an IQ of more than 300. Gross has an exceptionally good score as well. He devoted his life to studies, earning many degrees from Michigan State University. In truth, many people with high IQs have gone on to get important degrees and use their enormous ability to benefit society.

These high IQ scores greatly outnumber those possessed by the persons many consider to be the smartest in human history. Albert Einstein is said to have had an IQ of roughly 160. This figure cannot be proved because he never took a test.

Great historical brains like Isaac Newton and Leonardo Da Vinci are thought to have scored in the 190s or 200s. However, these high scores are matched by the enormous intellect of people who never scored so high on an IQ test. For example, Richard Feynman was a physicist and one of the finest brains of the twentieth century. His IQ score was barely 125. Being a genius requires a particular IQ level, although having a high score undoubtedly helps in the process.


Anyone who is very curious about IQ scores can research the many various IQ tests that are offered and sign up to take an official one. If you don't want to acquire official results, there are lots of unofficial choices accessible, such as our site's free fast IQ test or our more in-depth premium IQ exam. There's a potential their exams may rank among those of the highest-scoring persons in history.

However, taking a test does not necessarily predict success in any subject. When a person scores well on an IQ test, they are not given a trophy. They may be able to apply to MENSA but not much else. To be successful, high intelligence must be matched with a strong work ethic and a fair degree of luck. Some exceedingly rich people have lower-than-average IQs.

IQ levels are not a predictor of academic or professional success or advancement. Instead, they are a useful tool for determining how effectively a person can synthesize and absorb information, as well as how well they do on certain activities in comparison to others.


What are Some of the Highest IQ Scores That Have Ever Been Reported?