What Causes Addiction?

Published on May 14, 2016

It has been long-believed by many that substance abuse is due to a chemical "hook" that snares the addict physically. Four facts put the lie to this cultural myth and clear the way for the truth to bring true and lasting liberation.


What Causes Addiction?

(It's Not a Chemical Hook)


Substance abuse isn't caused by a substance?

It's true the substance causes a "high"...

...but that's not what hooks people.

4 FACTS prove it

Our Bodies

Our Bodies

  • They're our friends
  • They "hate" the stuff
  • They throw it out in days
  • Once we stop throwing it in

Our Bodies

  • They're our friends
  • They "hate" the stuff
  • They throw it out in days
  • Once we stop throwing it in



  • They use the best stuff on the market
  • No one gets hooked
  • As long as it is ONLY used to reduce physical pain


  • They use the best stuff on the market
  • No one gets hooked
  • As long as it is ONLY used to reduce physical pain

Other Addictions

Other Addictions

  • There is no substance ingested with...
  • Pornography, gambling, sexual addiction, etc.
  • Yet these are just as addictive

Other Addictions

  • There is no substance ingested with...
  • Pornography, gambling, sexual addiction, etc.
  • Yet these are just as addictive

It's a Choice

It's a Choice

  • Everyone is given the choice of life or death, blessing or cursing.
  • No one is forced at gun-point

It's a Choice

  • Everyone is given the choice of life or death, blessing or cursing.
  • No one is forced at gun-point

A better question is: Why do I keep making that choice?

The "secret" lies in what I believe deep in my heart.

If I think I need it (for any reason)...

...I will keep reaching for it.

If I'm convinced it's going to kill me...

...I will fight against it with my whole being.

Any wiggle room of doubt...

...gives me an excuse not to fight it.

Since you won't get free without a fight,

Why not let us help you fight it?

"I call heaven and earth as witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing." Deut. 30:19

"I call heaven and earth as witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing." Deut. 30:19

Why did God need "witnesses"? Because we try to deny that we have been given this power to choose.

Why did God need "witnesses"? Because we try to deny that we have been given this power to choose.

Choose life! Your life is worth fighting for!

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"The Missing Peace" healingstreamsusa

Get free eBook
"The Missing Peace" healingstreamsusa

Your victory will be worth the struggle

Choose life that you and your offspring may live.
Deuteronomy 30:19

Steve Evans

Haiku Deck Pro User