I had 13 postitive and 6 negative characteristics. I think doing things your own way is not bad if you explain it. I have a short attention span and sometimes dont pay attention. This list pretty much sums up possible positive and negative characteristics of gifted children, although there are a few long words difficult to understand. Some of these characteristics on the checklist I checked without hesitation, while others I really had to think about. I learned several new things about myself.
I have lots of positive characteristics. If I'm interested in something, I grasp that concept and learn quickly. I'm usually interested in the things the class works on. When I am not interested, i have to study, ace the test(hopefully), and move on. I have a big imagination, and can turn lame toys into vast armies from my favorite book series. I don't like to do exactly what everybody else is doing the same way. I am curious, and ask questions about things I don't understand. I like to observe nature and environments I'm in, and alert for danger like ant piles and pop quizzes. I don't have an extremely long attention span, though. I learn and remember things and use them in different situations. I know a lot of words, but don't really use complicated words in regular conversations. Sometimes in essays though. I easily remember things I have learned most of the time. I love reading, but sometimes I read when I'm not supposed too. When I know the directions, I can follow them without much difficultly. I often make my friends laugh with my good, wacky sense of humor. I do not always know things most other people know, and although I make suggestions and provide knowledge, I'm not much of a leader(outside of my video games and to young children).
I also have some negative characteristics, of course. Sometimes I can get bored with long assignments with lots of writing(other times I write TOO much). I like to do things my own way sometimes, and I don't think that is ALWAYS a bad thing. I often finish assignments and read of daydream, not noticing a new assignment. Sometimes I can sub-concisely tune friends or adults out. I love to read, and might read when I'm not supposed to. I might not notice, forget, or not listen to directions. Every once in a while I can become uncharacteristically shy, but then usually get over it. These positive and negative characteristics define part of me as a gifted/talented student.
I know a lot of words, but don't really use complicated words in regular conversations. Sometimes in essays though. I easily remember things I have learned most of the time. I love reading, but sometimes I read when I'm not supposed too. When I know the directions, I can follow them without much difficultly. I often make my friends laugh with my good, wacky sense of humor. I do not always know things most other people know, and although I make suggestions and provide knowledge, I'm not much of a leader(outside of my video games and to young children).
I also have some negative characteristics, of course. Sometimes I can get bored with long assignments with lots of writing(other times I write TOO much). I like to do things my own way sometimes, and I don't think that is ALWAYS a bad thing. I often finish assignments and read of daydream, not noticing a new assignment. Sometimes I can sub-concisely tune friends or adults out. I love to read, and might read when I'm not supposed to. I might not notice, forget, or not listen to directions. Every once in a while I can become uncharacteristically shy, but then usually get over it. These positive and negative characteristics define part of me as a gifted/talented student.
my own way sometimes, and I don't think that is ALWAYS a bad thing. I often finish assignments and read of daydream, not noticing a new assignment. Sometimes I can sub-concisely tune friends or adults out. I love to read, and might read when I'm not supposed to. I might not notice, forget, or not listen to directions. Every once in a while I can become uncharacteristically shy, but then usually get over it. These positive and negative characteristics define part of me as a gifted/talented student.
The personality test labeled me as an ENTP. The test got many things right, like my quick mind and ADHD, but with the true colors test, half of the characteristics were not much like me. My green characteristics said things like, "slow to make decisions" and, "believe work is play." Some characteristics I realized to be true, but a couple were near opposites of me. But, it's still a machine, and machines cannot tell us exACTly who we are.
With 4 A's, 1B, and 4 C'S, I am a visual/kinesthetic learner. And I think that's true. I do better with written directions. For my multiple intelligences test, I was mostly nature smart(I love nature), body smart(I'm a kinesthetic learner), then myself smart and people smart.
My name is William Chaplin Spencer the 3rd. I am an 11 year old trying to survive middle school. I live with my Mom, Dad, Sister, dog, and turtle. I like turtles. I have ADHD, so I can be a little fidgety, but I take medicine for it so I can focus on school. I'm smart, but not even I know why I choose to hide it by being wacky, funny, and weird. I have many positive and negative characteristics.