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What I Would Do If I Lived In Minecraft

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If I lived in Minecraft I would strait away break lots of trees so that I could make a wooden pickaxe so that I could mine for diamond to craft a Dimond sword.

Photo by BagoGames

After I have a diamond sword I would kill some sheep and break some more trees to craft a bed but after that I would be hungry. Luckily after killing sheep you get there meat so I would eat the meat.

Photo by ephesossh

Then after that I would build a house to live in. Next I would get everything I would ever need in my life.The house I would live in would be under the ground.

Photo by curson

After l have a house with everything l need l will get some play full puppies for company.l will try hard to win fights with annoying and evil mobs.

Photo by theunwiseman

After everything that needs to be done is done l will team up with some one with enchanted Dimond armour and weapons just like me. Together we would win wars against others.

Photo by hansenbrian

After years of preparation I will go to the Enderworld and tame the Enderdragon and prepare to attack Herobrine.

Photo by ephesossh

After the preparation is done I will attack Herobrine.


Photo by colmmcsky