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What is a lever?

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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What is a lever?

A simple machine's story

A lever is a simple machine

There are 3 types

1st class levers

Can you think of any examples?

The fulcrum is between the input and output force.

A Seesaw

Photo by karen horton


Photo by m01229

2nd class levers

2nd class

The input and output force act in opposing directions.


Photo by mike hamerton


3rd class levers

last, but not least - 3rd

The input force is greater, but the distance makes up for it.

baseball bat

Photo by hj_west

Golf Club

Photo by chispita_666


Where would you find these levers in the body?
Photo by tinyfroglet

Skeletal System

1st class

The joint between your head and vertebra
Photo by Not So Much

2nd class

Photo by jordandouglas

3rd class

your arms
Photo by Caucas'

Write a Poem

  • "Anthropomorphism is a literary device that can be defined as a technique in which a writer ascribes human traits, ambitions, emotions or entire behavior to animals, non-human beings, natural phenomena or objects" .

Choose one type of lever

Write a poem as if you were that object