What is a Pronoun? Grammar Review

Published on Nov 16, 2017

A Pronoun is one of “The Eight Parts” of the English language. A pronoun replaces a noun or noun phrase. We use pronouns so as not to repeat a noun again and again. Most pronouns are short words. There are nine different types of pronouns. Some of the most common pronouns are “He, she, it, I, you, we, they”. Pronouns can function with a direct object or indirect objects.


What is a Pronoun?

Larisa English Grammar Review by Billgreen54

Larisa English Club. com

Teacher and Student Educational Resources

A Pronoun is one of “The Eight Parts”...

... of the English language.

A pronoun replaces a noun or noun phrase.

We use pronouns so as not to repeat a noun
again and again.

Most pronouns
are short words.

There are nine different types of pronouns.

Some of the most common pronouns are “He, she, it, I,
you, we, they”.

Pronouns can function with a direct object or indirect objects.

Here are some examples with pronouns! Can you find them?

Q: Is that yours?
A: Yes, I just bought it a few days ago.

Q: Why are they
running down the street?
A: They need to
catch the bus!

Q: Do you want to buy a pair of jeans at the shop?
A: Yes, let’s walk to it!

Here are more examples of Pronouns.
Can you find them?

Q: What is his name?
A: His name is Bob.

Q: Do you live in London? A: Yes, I do.

Q: Who is he married to?
A: He is married to Sally.

Here are a few word definitions! Do you know these words?

Pronoun: A word that replaces a noun.

Function: To function, is how something works or operates.

Common: Something there is many of!

Catch: To get on the bus before it leaves.

Married: When two people agree to stay together forever.

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About the author. Billgreen54 is an ESL tutor, writer and publisher. Helping others better understand the English language is a daily life adventure. Bill and Larisa share lives knowledge helping others achieve individual, family, employment and life goals. Share your knowledge with others. Watch them prosper and pass along their lives adventures with friends and family.

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