What is Close Reading?

Published on Apr 11, 2020

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What is Close Reading?

by Miss Leader

No, No, No

Not getting closer to the book!
Photo by robad0b

If you are a close reader, you
become a text detective!

Photo by Tall Chris

Close readers read the text multiple times!

Photo by mrsdkrebs

First they read to focus on what the text says.

Determine what the text says.
What is the text about?
What is the theme of the story?
What was ____(character) like and what did they do in the story?
Photo by popofatticus

Then they read to analyze and find out how the text works.

2. Analyze and figure out who the text works.
What does _____ mean in thies context?
Who is telling the story?
What is the author's main purpose for writing this story?
What information does the picture add to the story?
Compare ____ with _____ in the story, how are they they same/different?
What reasons does the author give to support ________?
Photo by RichardJBrown

Then they reread again to evaluate or compare or make connections to themselves.

3. Evaluate and compare.
What made this a good text?
Was is easier to understand? Why?
How will you use the information learned?
How would you explain what the author's ideas are to a friend?
Photo by aquopshilton

Are you ready?

Let's Close Read!
Photo by Aaron Burden

Brittany Leader

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