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What Is in ASEA?

Published on Sep 30, 2016

What is in ASEA? http://aseaglobal.com/en-us/products/productfaq.aspx


How Does ASEA Redox Supplement Work?

ASEA Redox Supplement contains life-sustaining redox signaling molecules, the same molecules that exist in the cells of the human body, suspended in a pristine saline solution. Redox signaling molecules found in ASEA Redox Supplement work at the cellular level to provide our bodies the additional support they need to stay active and energized longer.

What are Redox Signaling Molecules?

Cellular messengers created within every cell of the body and are vital to life

How Do These Molecules Work?

Redox signaling molecules are classified into two groups: reactive oxygen species and reduced species. The reactive oxygen species arms the immune system; the reduced species activates antioxidants. A careful, homeostatic balance between these two species is maintained in all cells and tissues.

What Is RENU 28 Used For?

  • RENU 28 enhances skin health at the cellular level
  • This supports younger, more vibrant-looking skin
  • Daily application of RENU 28 skin gel on your face and other areas of your body results in healthier, younger, and more vibrant-looking skin.

ASEA is 100% non-toxic and proven to be safe

What Is the Shelf Life of ASEA Redox Supplement?

ASEA Redox Supplement has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture.

RENU 28 provides a patent-protected, simple, and natural approach to skin health by providing the skin with native redox signaling molecules. These molecules are key to the health of skin cells and in fundamental processes such as cellular communication. There is no other skin product in the world that contains these molecules and addresses skin health in such a unique and natural way.

RENU 28 has never been tested on animals