- French term
- "Placing on stage"
- In the scene
- All VISUAL elements
Elements of mise en scene
- Setting
- Costume & props
- Physical performance
- Lighting
- Composition
- Informs the spectator of time & space
- Natural or Artificial
- Cultural & historical significance
- Can enhance character emotions
‘possible, improbable or even impossible locale’
Lathrop & O. Sutton
List possible, improbable & impossible locations
What can costume suggest about a character?
- Social position
- Emotional change
- Historical accuracy
- Character development
Props can be highly significant to the narrative
Can you think of any props that push a film's narrative forward?
What is being communicated through costume, props & setting in this clip?
Possible, improbable or impossible location?
Mise-en-scene contributes towards the verisimilitude of a film...
What is verisimilitude?
A film's reality
The world created by the film
Aspects of physical performance
Physical performance
- Physicality & movement
- Facial expressions
- Posture of the actor
- Naturalistic or exaggerated
The actor's performance will alter depending on the verisimilitude of the film
There are 5 primary types of lighting...
Untitled Slide
Frontal lighting
Untitled Slide
Back lighting
Untitled Slide
Under lighting
Untitled Slide
Top lighting
- Think about...
- Direction & Intensity
- Contrast
- Quality
- Artificial or Natural
The placement of actors & objects within the frame
How the space is used
How does American Beauty (Mendes, 1999) communicate meaning and generate response through mise-en-scene?
Min. 1000 words