What is phenomenology?

Published on Sep 12, 2018

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What is phenomenology?

Browse through the quotes to learn what various researches have to say.

“Phenomenology is the way in which human beings come to understand the world through direct experience.”
- Littlejohn & Koss

Photo by Naina_94

“If you want to know what love is, you would not ask psychologists, you would tap into your own experiences.”
- Littlejohn & Koss

Photo by Jon Tyson

“Phenomenology... treats culture with a good measure of caution and suspicion.”
- Wolff

Photo by ptufts

“Phenomenology… requires us to engage with phenomena in our world and make sense of them directly and immediately.”
- Crotty

“Our culture may be enabling but, paradoxically, it is also crippling. While it offers us entrée to a comprehensive set of meanings, it shuts us off from an abundant font of untapped significance.”
- Crotty

Photo by Nate Bell

“It is the task of phenomenology… to make us conscious of what the world was like before we learned how to see it.”
- Marton

Photo by Vincent_AF

"Phenomenology invites us to 'set aside all previous habits of thought, see through and break down the mental barriers which these habits have set along the horizons of our thinking... to learn to see what stands before our eyes'."
- Husserl

"Phenomenology is 'a return to the unadulterated phenomena' and an 'unusually obstinate attempt to look at the phenomena and to remain faithful to them before even thinking of them'."
- Spiegelberg

Photo by Hello I'm Nik

"Phenomenology encourages the inquirer to sustain an intuitive grasp of what is there by 'opening his eyes', 'keeping them open', 'looking and listening', 'not getting blinded'."
- Heron

Photo by Rachel D

"Phenomenology asks us... to call into question our whole culture, our manner of seeing the world and being in the world in the way we have learned it growing up."
- Wolff

"Phenomenology is about saying 'No!' to the meaning system bequeathed to us."
- Crotty

"Phenomenology is an 'attempt to recover a fresh perception of existence, one unprejudiced by acculturation'."
- Sadler

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"Our phenomenological endeavour to break with inherited understandings 'awakens a wild-flowering world and mind'."
- Merleau-Ponty

Photo by Eric.Ray

“Once phenomenology ‘slackens the intentional threads which attach us to the world’, we experience the upsurge and can ‘watch the forms of transcendence fly up like sparks from a fire'.”
- Merleau-Ponty

Katie Blunt

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