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What is the Tasmanian Devil Prey?

Published on May 21, 2016

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What is the Tasmanian Devil Prey?

The Tasmanian Devil mostly eats insects, snakes, rabbits, rats, mouse, and dead animals. When they eat died animals they're scavengers, but when they eat animals they're carnivores.

The Devil chew trough bone and skin just to get to the meat. Imagine if we had the jaw power of the Tasmanian Devil.

Fun Fact

The Tasmanian Devil only has 1 set of teeth. So if he looses 1 then they can't grow it back.

When they hunt or eat it's all in the teeth. Without the teeth they would eat different food. They hunt at night so they don't really rely on their eyes at day (they have bad vision at day). That's why they have the whiskers. The whiskers help them sense.

The whiskers help them sense animals (like a cat). They hunt at night because most animals are non-active, so they don't rely on their speed which is 8.1 mph. Also their strong bite help them kill prey in less amount of time.