Opportunities for Experience/Exploration
- Volunteering
- Shadowing
- PT Aide
Opportunities to get experience in the field of Physical Therapy and decide whether or not to pursue the career include Volunteering, Shadowing, or being a PT Aide. I volunteered at a hospital over the summer and I worked with some PACU nurses, I learned a lot about what they did and what the job had to offer. If you apply for a volunteer position in the PT department of a hospital you can work alongside real PTs and learn about what they do. You can also shadow a PT just like you can shadow a doctor, of course that means you can't touch the patient which means you aren't getting the full experience of a PT. Being a PT Aide is interesting, there are no qualifications and you usually receive training on the job. That means you can have zero experience in Physical Therapy and still work alongside a PT with patients. It's like being a PT with no education, less pay and less responsibilities.