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What was it like to live on a farm in Mexico?

Published on Feb 25, 2016

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What was it like to live on a Ranch in Mexico?

by Jenny Ramirez
Photo by newagecrap

Living on a ranch back then is much different than living in a city today.

Photo by keeva999

Born on May 21, 1975

Photo by ekathe

13 people lived in the same house.

Photo by Bernd Thaller

Faced many difficulties while growing up.

Photo by arsheffield

It was very difficult to go to school since there weren't many around he area they lived.

Her favorite hobbies were grooming and riding the horses around the ranch

Photo by Anne Worner

They did many things around the ranch for fun.

Photo by Scrap Pile

she immigrated to the U.S when she was 25 along with some of her siblings.

Photo by Werner Kunz

When she arrived in the U.S she and her siblings faced many difficulties.

Photo by Nrbelex

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