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What your Auto DMs are REALLY saying to your audience

Published on Nov 18, 2015

What your Auto DMs on Twitter are REALLY saying to your audience.


Auto DM Fails

What your Direct Messages are REALLY saying to your audience.
Photo by Kalexanderson


Translation: You are only useful to me if you connect with us EVERYWHERE!

AUTO DM FAILS: "CONNECT HERE TOO!" Translation: You are only useful to me if you connect with us EVERYWHERE!
Photo by Johnny Shaw

Auto DM Fail #2
"Hey! Have you met us before?"

Translation: It doesn't matter, you can't respond because I don't follow you.

Photo by -Dreamflow-

Auto DM Fail #3
Mini repeats of Bios

Translation: I want to get as much info over to you as I can in 140 characters.

Photo by ben.gallagher

Auto DM Fail #4
Asking too much, too soon.

Translation: I want you to trust me RIGHT NOW!

Auto DM Fail #5
"Thanks for connecting. Can't wait to see your tweets"

Translation: This is a BOT and I am uncreative and can't think how to GENUINELY connect with you.

Auto DM Fail #6
Bossy and aggressive instructions

Translation: This is what I expect you to do for me as a follower. Now hop to it!

Auto DM Fail #7
Pleading and Begging for engagement.

Translation: We have no idea what we are doing and want your pity.

If you must Auto DM

Then be respectful, genuine and patient