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When my mother first moved to the city of Fredericksburg with me we first moved into the tiniest shack. The first day we actually got to look in th house and my mom realized that there was lead paint peeling off the walls, and at that point she din't know that lead paint could be harmful to a baby. later on my grandmother told her that it could be harmful to me.The first week we moved into the house a raccoon crawled out of the cabinet below the kitchen sink.
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where my life began

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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where my life began

"Yeah, I live there". Pg 5
When my mother first moved to the city of Fredericksburg with me we first moved into the tiniest shack. The first day we actually got to look in th house and my mom realized that there was lead paint peeling off the walls, and at that point she din't know that lead paint could be harmful to a baby. later on my grandmother told her that it could be harmful to me.The first week we moved into the house a raccoon crawled out of the cabinet below the kitchen sink.
Photo by Billy Simon

MY little brother

"The boys in their universe and we in our." pg 8
My little brother has loved video games since he was young. I don't remember ever being very interested in video games but my brother on the other hand was completely different, he loved playing video games every chance he got. Ever since then, he has been addicted to video games, addicted so much that he has become anti-social and has kept himself locked up in his room. He started out by playing games on the gamecube , and eventually he got good at that so then he wanted a playstation 2, and so on and so on. Eventually he started to push away all his friends to the point where no one really wanted to talk to him at all. Later on he eventually started to reintegrate
into society by talking to family and friends, it wasn't until about two years ago that he actually started to really play with his friends, get involved in family events. Sadly though, he still doesn't know how to do anything outside of playing video games, he doesn't even know how to start a lawn mower.
Photo by Ryan Somma

clayton wheeler

my cousin Clayton was born on March 31st, 2000 at MaryWashington Hospital. The same day he was born me and my mom and grandmother went up to the hospital to see him
Photo by kevin dooley

i am darius

"Darius who does not like school said something wise today."
It all started back when i was in second grade I had a really young teacher that was way to laid back and that was never able to stand ger ground against anyone. Three tp four weeks into the schoo, year I just began to sit there and just sharpen my pencils because I was so nervous and unfortunately my teacher would never say anything about it to me or m,y parents, so no one ever knew i was just sitting there and sharpening my pencils instead of doing my work. Eeventually it got to the point that the principal called my mom down to the school because he wanted to know if there is something going on at home that was causing me not to do my work, but when she told him no he was just befuddled. Unfortunately it went on for several more years through fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, and most of seventh grade until towards the end of the year my parents decided to have a psychiatric evaluation done to see if I had ADD or ADHD and sure enough I did but there was something else, that day I was diagnosed with ADD and SPD(sensory processing disorder). Before this point my parents could never could figure out what was wtong with me because I was as smart as could be outside of school, but as soon as I went into school, I would shut down
Photo by colinlogan

WE are all eskimos

"The eskimos have thirty names for snow."
Back when I was in third grade we used to live in a town house in Breezewood, and we had the end unit so we used to hear everything that went on in the unit next to ours. One day my mom got so fed up with the constant noise that our neighbors were making and clearly they were smokers because our house smelled like smoke all the time so she decided that she was going to say something about it so she went next door to talk to them. Shortly after going over we began to hear cursing. So I decided that I was going to go out and see what was going on and there was my mom and the neighbor on the sidewalk calling each other B****es, and a pain in the A$$. then the neighbor's daughter came out and started talking smack to my mom so I went over to their porch and started calling her daughter a skank, and a b***h, and an a$$. Then her mom came over and started cursing me out, so then my mom came over and started cursing her mother again eventually someone from Breezewood had to come over and settle things. The guy from Breezewood told us that he would just have our walls insulated more.
Photo by Ashtyn Renee

Weddings are so boring

"Uncle Nacho says too many this and tilts his thumb to his lips."
It was April 8th, 1999 at First Christian Church in downtown Fredericksburg. It was the day of my Aunt's Wedding, and we all walked to the sanctuary and took our seats as we waited for the wedding to begin. My aunt's fiance was waiting at the alter when my grandfather who was also the minister walked her down the aisle while walking her down the aisle the photographer just happened to catch a picture of my uncle standing there and picking his nose. When my aunt got up to the alter she smacked his hand and they continued with the wedding.
Photo by chiaralily

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When I was about eight years old my family found out that my grandfather had Alzheimer's, and from that point on everything just went downhill. Unfortunately from then on Islowly watched my grandfather fade away, each year just little by little. By about the age of ten, I took on an amount of responsibility that no kid that age should have to deal with. Every Sunday I would go to church with my grandparents which was getting progressively harder do to my grandfather's condition, when my grandmother would go and sing up on the stage with the choir so I would have to sit in the pew and keep an eye on my grandfather and make sure he didn't wander off. When he needed to go to the bathroom, I had had to help him, When he wanted to go down the stairs I had to make sure he went down the elevator. Over the next year unfortunately things got much worse, Early on that year it got to the point that he just had to stay home because he would get so angry and confused when we had to help him do things. Around May of 2012 though things got even worse, my grandmother had taken my grandfather to the doctor because his legs were swollen, and after that the doctor rushed them to the hospital because the fact that he most likely had a blood clot in his legs. After doing a ct scan the doctor at the hospital told my grandmother that he would have to stay in the hospital for several months for observation. well, during that time at the hospital part of the blood clot had broken off and gone to his lungs, causing him to not be able to breath properly causing him to have a stroke. After the stroke life judst became depressing, it had gotten to the point where he could no longer talk, no longer walk, it had gotten to the point where he couldn't do anything anymore. Me and my grandmother had to feed my grandfather, I had to help change his diapers, I felt like
I couldn't go on anymore because I had been so close to him when I was young. So my grandmother had to end up putting him in Hughes Home in downtown Fredericksburg, and he been there since then.
Photo by live w mcs

we all have a ruthie

"The moon is beautiful like a balloon."
Every week at least once a week I go to visit my grandfather at Hughes Home in downtown Fredericksburg. While I'm there I usually sit down and play a game of checkers or at least attempt to play a game with some of the members. some times though my efforts are fruitless. However there is this one woman there that seems like she at least gets it and her name is Ruthie. Ruthie's been at Hughes Home for about fifteen years and she doesn't usually get very many visitors but she sure does get around though. Some of the nurses have told me that she likes to stroll around the building in her wheelchair up and down the halls. Every once in blue moon her daughter and granddaughter come in to visit and every time they do her granddaughter brings her dog, so then Ruthie has to play with the dog. After she is done with the dog she goes back to talking to her granddaughter then after a while of talking to her he goes back to wheeling down the hall and screaming.
Photo by theqspeaks

The earl of fredericksburg

"Mama says he is a skinny blonde thing and pale like salamanders."
Me and my family live over on Massaponax Church Rd and we unfortunately live next to the shadiest people on the street. Our neighbors, have a small basement apartment that they rent out to this bum of a man, this bum's name is Greggory. Greggory is constantly sitting out on the trashcan outside their house and drinking and smoking. Me and my mom were outside last week trying to clean up the yard while my dad was on outage for the North Anna Power Plant, while we were out there he started making crude comments towards my mom. So she decided that she was going to go over there and do something about it, so she went over and slapped him. We went back over to our yard and he proceeded to go back inside the basement. After we finished in our yard we went into the house to call the neighbors to inform them of what had happened and do you know what their reaction was, it was oh well it was your problem.

my friend the sire

"Sometimes I hear them laughing late, beer cans and cats."
I have a friend named Johnathan that is 21 years old and every weekend he like to go riding on his motorcycle, he gained the name sire because him and some of his other friends used to dress up like night and use cardboard lances to joust on their motorcycles. What was it about a month ago we all went downtown for an antique car show and while we were down there they had a tent where they were selling beer and Johnathan and his friends ended up getting overly drunk. We were walking around the lot were the cars were parked and checking the cars out. A while after the show had started out no where there was a loud crash and we all looked around to see where the noise had come from and when we finally found it we were shocked to find what had happened. It turns out that one of Johnathan's friends had showed up the show already pars-hilly drunk and had crashed into one of the cars there. The host of the show called the cops out and the cops took Johnathan's friend away.
Photo by xomorrito

She Spoke no english

When my mom was two years old she was adopted from Korea by a couple here in America. The agency they used put ehm n a plane and shipped them off to America. When My mom and her sister first arrived here in america they spoke no english
Photo by express000

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