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When i was a young lad i lived on a farm, not just any farm a family farm. I lived there till i was about 4 years old. It had major fields and was a good place to live, but either way I don't live there now. I grew up there. We had a pond and a huge barn that the father built but since it was a family farm my parents didn't own the land, my grandfather owned the land. It was a beautiful farm house with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms with one a half bathroom. We had 8 horses and we also had a donkey but since we don't live there now my grandmother currently owns the property due to the fact that my grandfather has passed. The pond is really nice we have 2 docks and we had three paddle boats.
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Where my life started

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Where my life started

" I lived "there." pg.5
When i was a young lad i lived on a farm, not just any farm a family farm. I lived there till i was about 4 years old. It had major fields and was a good place to live, but either way I don't live there now. I grew up there. We had a pond and a huge barn that the father built but since it was a family farm my parents didn't own the land, my grandfather owned the land. It was a beautiful farm house with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms with one a half bathroom. We had 8 horses and we also had a donkey but since we don't live there now my grandmother currently owns the property due to the fact that my grandfather has passed. The pond is really nice we have 2 docks and we had three paddle boats.
Photo by chad.latta

My best friends, zues &zoro

"Someday I will have a best friend all my own."
I have two best friends in my life. They may not be real people but they are always there for me ever since we brought them home. They are boxers. To me, they are the best dogs anyone could ever ask for. I love them like I love my family. Dogs are mans best friend because they are always by your side and my dogs for instance are like my shadows. They always are at my side no matter what. I am never mean to my dogs like if they chew up furniture or poop in the house I treat them like my brothers because I don't have siblings. They are fraternal twins they both are 6 years old and boxers don't live that long. Normal boxers live to be about 10-12 human years old before they pass. If my dogs where to pass, no dog could ever replace my boys.
Photo by TaylorMiles

meeting new friends is akward

"Five dollars is cheap since i don't have any friends"
Meeting new friends to me is like a standoff nobody wants to go through. The thing with me is is that i wanna pick good friends. Ones that will stick together thick and thin even though we aren't close.

To me even though people say that they have a lot of friends it was statistically proven that after high school every student who graduates; graduates with 5 best friends and hundreds of acquaintances. No matter what i always look for good responsible friends because they will be the ones that stay out of trouble and also the ones that are a good influence.

Like in this class for instance i have many acquaintances, in this class i can count 16, but real friends; 2, That just proves that true and real friends last rather than fake and acquaintances.

People have to see the necessities in life because life isn't long and you do not live forever but also you need to live a happy life and a prosperous life.
Photo by John-Morgan


"Look at that house, it looks like a house in mexico." page18
Laughter is the greatest gift in life that anyone could ever give in my opinion. Laughter is contagious, even though scientifically it isn't. In life laughter cause a cheerful soul and makes people happy.

Music for instance..it has an effect on ones mood like lets say you had a lot of anger in you. You would probably listen to scream o or some hardcore rock. If your in a mellow mood like some type of rock like Bob Marley.

I prefer country music because every song has a story behind it which in turn makes me laugh and happy. Friends are also a good thing to have cause they are there for you and make you laugh all the time.

See people have to figure out the main priorities in life like people would rather go out and have a good time then study or something. Laughter is key in a good relationship as well as a freindship.

My dad after he has had a few shots at our tiki bar he has a good ole time. We blast country music loud and play cornhole all through the night and then we tell jokes and talk next to a campfire through the night.
Photo by LandoCol

My neighbor

Photo by glsims99

My life

"Send her back to her mother"
Ever since i was little i have always wanted to have parents that were together. The reality of it all is is that they divorced for 13 years now. Well the court gave custody to my mother and my dad has always wanted to have me as his own for years now.

My father has told me that I could seriously benefit from moving with him but I'm just not sure if i want to leave my mom. I love my mom and dad the same but if i really think about it in depth i have a lot more fun at my dads and i can get along with him easier.

For years now though i have been drug through court because my parents want custody of me and the want the child support lowered or highered or even switched
Photo by lo-ny


My nickname
Ever since i was a little kid my father has always called me by that name. I know i'm in trouble when i get called my first name by him, that normally means come here or you make it two times worse. I love my father very much and it took me a while to understand why that nickname was stuck with me.

Well mainly it's because my last name is Fishel and the fish part yea i get. The nickname also sticks because i love to be in the water whether it's swimming, surfing, wakeboarding or fishing the water is my life.

The very first nickname i got was squirt. As i got older they get more and more childish but either way i still love him.
Photo by Justin Link

MY First job

My first job was an incredable job. Even though i didn't get paid i had a blast. I was working for a good friend and we stacked the bails that were thrown behind the bailer. Bails of hay arn't light at all they are atleast 50 pounds each and we would do that for hours on end until the sun went down.

Also when i was finished with that i would go home and split a quart of wood everyday, which got me in shape but we wouid aslo make $100 a day which was nice or whenever we had a buyer.

Photo by Bobolink


"You gotta get the rhytheme Lucy." pg.50
Dancing back in the day was fantastic like there wasn't anything about it sexual. Now girls are half undressed grinding there body against yours. I don't mind it because i haven't had any personal experience but i feel like its unnecessary.

Plus the music now a day has sick beats to it plus they talk about sex and getting down and dirty
Photo by Gueоrgui


"And i think if my own papa died what would i do."
One morning i woke up to my mother sitting on my bed crying. I didnt know what to do because i was in shock i couldn't believe that my mom was crying. I've never seen her cry except when my father left us.

Now i have no idea why she is crying, is she dying? Did someone die? Did she loose her job? So many things where going through my head. Then i asked her what was wrong and she stated that a family member has passed.

I made the mistake of asking her that morning right there who it was and she said it was my grandfather, my best friend. Once he was gone i was depressed, i stopped eating, talking to anyone, and i locked my self in my room from the outside world. I was devastated.


"Most likely i will go to hell, and most likely i deserve to be there."
I used to think for a long time that i was going to hell. I have been depressed for a very long time and i honestly still am. Ever since my grandfather passed i haven't been the same. I have been fighting my mom and she hits me all the time. I probably deserve it but i mean im still not the same sweet little boy she raised. I feel bad in a way but then again i dont because she doesnt have any idea what im feeling or going through. Its sad though because i was closer to her father and grandfather than she was. I understand that everyone is put on this world for a reason but i havnt really realized what my purpose is yet.

FOrtune teller

"Baby ill look again if you want me to..."
Photo by kevin dooley

Family celebrations

My father and i have a celebration we do every year. On Thanksgiving we go deer hunting. Every day we prepare for it, we clean our guns, shoot them to sight them in, and treat them as if they are our babies.

Nothing could ever come between a redneck and his gun, fishin pole, or truck. So wither or not my step mom says we can go we always do and we always kill atleast one every year on Thanksgiving; that's also dinner.

Photo by mr.smashy