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Which mythology world creation is more believable

Published on Jan 19, 2018

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Which mythology world creation is more believable

Greek, Norse, Egyptian

Norse mythology creation

  • At first there was only a great abyss inbetween the land of fire and ice
  • Then a giant was made from the melted ice with the fire At the same time a cow was made too
  • The ice the cow was licking for noushment became three gods. These gods killed the giant
  • They then made his blood into the oceans, his skin to the surface, brain to clouds, teeth to montians, and his skull was held up by four dawrfs to make the sky.

Greek mythology creation

  • At first there was only chaos, which then created gaia. Gaia created oranos
  • They then created the titans
  • the titans created the gods and godess. But the youngest Crronus ate his children to keep them from over powering him
  • Rhea didn't like this so her sixth child she hid. when zeus grew up he defeted his dad and set his brother and sisters free

Egyptian mythology Creation

  • There was only nun
  • Then through thought and will the sun god came forth and made a hill
  • To have children he made a union with his shadow the children were the god of air and godess of mousture
  • Atum had an all knowing eye that could detach and fly around
  • This helped when his son and daughter got lost in nun
  • When they returned he wept tears of joy which turned into the first humans