Who Is the Holy Spirit? Part 1

Published on May 14, 2016

If you believe in Jesus, then you are "hosting a Mystery"--the invisible Holy Spirit of God, who now lives with you on the inside. What on earth is He doing there? A lot of good things as it turns out...


Who Is the Holy Spirit? Pt1

(And what is He doing IN me?)

First of all, Holy Spirit isn't a dove

It's a Biblical symbol for imaging Him

Holy Spirit is God:
no one has seen Him

A few have seen the Father (Daniel, John)

Vast multitudes have seen Jesus

The Spirit has only been seen by symbol

As tongues of fire

As a mighty wind

As a peaceful dove

If you are a Christian, that "dove" is in you

What's He doing there?

Let me count (some of) the ways...

1. Inner Witness

  • Holy Spirit confirms the saving knowledge of who Jesus is
  • He never lets us forget Jesus is Savior & Lord

1. Inner Witness

  • Holy Spirit confirms the saving knowledge of who Jesus is
  • He never lets us forget Jesus is Savior & Lord

2. Reminder

  • Holy Spirit reminds us to pray and seek the Lord
  • He brings to mind truths He has taught us when we are being tested

2. Reminder

  • Holy Spirit reminds us to pray and seek the Lord
  • He brings to mind truths He has taught us when we are being tested

3. Helper

  • Holy Spirit "secretly" helps us with every legitimate need
  • He helps even more when we pray!

3. Helper

  • Holy Spirit "secretly" helps us with every legitimate need
  • He helps even more when we pray!

4. Sanctifier

  • Holy Spirit helps us recognize sin, wrong thoughts, false beliefs
  • And gives us strength to resist them

4. Sanctifier

  • Holy Spirit helps us recognize sin, wrong thoughts, false beliefs
  • And gives us strength to resist them

5. Truth Teller

  • Holy Spirit reveals truths we don't know or believe yet
  • Then helps us to believe them and become free

5. Truth Teller

  • Holy Spirit reveals truths we don't know or believe yet
  • Then helps us to believe them and become free

6. Guide

  • Holy Spirit leads us when we trust Jesus enough to follow Him
  • He guides us even when we don't know it

6. Guide

  • Holy Spirit leads us when we trust Jesus enough to follow Him
  • He guides us even when we don't know it

7. Source of Life

  • By dwelling within us, Holy Spirit helps us dwell within Jesus
  • Life becomes a river of peace with His help

7. Source of Life

  • By dwelling within us, Holy Spirit helps us dwell within Jesus
  • Life becomes a river of peace with His help

One more way: perhaps the best
of all

Holy Spirit helps us to trust and surrender from deep inside

In this way we enter as children into the Kingdom of God

Life becomes a river of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit

Just as Jesus said it would!

Get free download:
"Living in the Spirit"
at forerunners4him

Get free download:
"Living in the Spirit"
at forerunners4him

Living in the river of peace is worth the investment of time!

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Steve Evans

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