Recently, Eric Holder was criticized by Glen Kessler in the Washington Post "Fact Checker" column for quoting an erroneous statistic. Kessler called the it " interesting case of a game of telephone being played with a factoid, in which the original statistic has become lost from its moorings." The erroneous statement in question is at the bottom of this slide. Holder said, “Disturbingly, intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African American women ages 15 to 45.” That statistic turns out to be incorrect. Heart diseases are actually the leading cause of death for African American women ages 15 to 45, followed by cancer, and accidents... homicide comes in at number 5, but we'll get to how we know that. For now, let's look at how Attorney General Holder ended up quoting this erroneous statistic and how it might have been avoided.
Kessler, Glenn. “Holder’s 2009 Claim That Intimate-Partner Homicide Is the Leading Cause of Death for African American Women.” Washington Post, December 18, 2013.