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Why Do Nations Go To War?

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By: Ian Melchior
Photo by mindgutter

a) Osama Bin Laden planned a plane high jack to crash into the world trade centers, pentagon, and the White House. 3 were successful. The White House attempt failed. Over 3,000 were killed.

b) In 1941 Japanese fighter jets on Pearl Harbor, a major US naval ship area, it was also the spark of WW2 for the US

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a) in 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand got assassinated by Bosnian Serb, This was the spark of WW1.

b) The US tried to assassinate Fidel Castro, The Cuban leader for 5 decades, that nearly started a war

Photo by El cromaticom

Past History

a) A lot of tension between America and Russia from 1947-1991

b) Threats from Cuba that they were going to bomb the US. America found several missiles on Cuba's border facing the US

Photo by Nataraj Metz

Main reasons for war:
After researching my top three reasons for war/conflicts throughout history I think that the main reason that wars happen is due to assassinations because several wars have started due to assassinations.

Next possible war/conflicts
For this reason I think there will be a future war between USA and Boko Haram. I think this war will happen because someone from the USA will try to assassinate the leader

Photo by bebouchard